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<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<( Ancient Expanse )<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~<>~.~



    Outside of the small town of Riverturn, the meadows stretch for several miles in every direction over sloping hills. The grass is a rich gold, looking as if it had been brushed by sunlight. From civilization, it looks as if it were about fifteen to twenty miles to the beginnings of the mountain range. Occasional trees dot the landscape, but for the most part is left wide open. The snaking river, for which the settlement is named and based by, snakes its way across the open land.
               A large ring has been set up for the Tavros Budo Taikai, consisting of a raised white platform that is covered in large white tiles. It's rather simple but will suffice for their purpose well enough. Stands have been erected around the ring, these appear to be relatively simple, but will suffice just the same as the ring for holding the number of attendees to the tournament.

Akamatsu standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand stands Akamatsu, clad in his normal red coat and sunglasses. The background music that had been playing over the speakers ceases as he turns it on and begins to address the people gathered "Thank you, everyone, for attending the first ever Tavros Budo Taikai. Our competitors have already drawn their numbers and the first round will begin soon, but first I must explain the rules. This tournament is strictly an unarmed exercise, no weapons of any kind are to be used, nor will any psionics. Anybody caught using either will be disqualified. The winner of a match is the first to either pin the other, make the other tap out, or to make them unable to stand on a ten count." With that he smiles and replies "Let the first round, begin." With that the ronin turns the microphone off and tosses it to the side remaining in the ring as he awaits the first pair of participants.

Majors is running a bit late it would seem. The Sivadian's Jag tears through the outlining area before coming to a halt some distance from the ring. Out comes Mister Majors puffing away on a cigarette as he jogs to the arena, there is a short pause so he can zip his fly.

Travis Johnson steps out into the arena bedecked in a pair of military issue black shorts, a gray t-shirt with 'NAVY' written on it in black letters, taped hands, white tennis shoes, and gray socks that come about halfway up his calves. A few stretches and hip twists to get warmed up as he awaits his opponent.

Manly. Rugged. Sculpted. These are all adjectives. Brock Manson is a human, and baby, what a human! He hustles a taller humanoid into the ring, the pair of them dressed in black and red gym clothing. Little circle logos are plastered on their thighs. Bigger ones are stitched onto their vest backs; Tion Ree Martial Arts. "You got this, big guy." Brock Manson drawls, in a low draw, drawling his way back to one side of the ring where he sits and... draws ponies.

Rillitan Ryoleli throws a towel back at his 'coach' and takes a few practice jabs. He's ready, it seems, to put some damage towards his opponent.

Naoi is sitting in the crowd, cross-legged and bare feet gripped in her hands. "The competition are so tall." She is admitting, despite her stocky build, that she is walking in with a disadvantage. She bites down on her bottom lip as the two fighters enter the ring, but focuses. She has the advantage of seeing everyone's style.

Bright green eyes watch the surroundings with no small level of amusement. Raisa Amondella - the one who likes to hit first and ask questions later - is clearly not participating in this competition, instead just leaning up against the ring and drinking from an unmarked bottle.

Cernunnos crests the top of the stand in his motorcycle, popping a wheelie on the highest level of seating. He swivels the cycle sideways and drops the front wheel parallel on the bench. Then he bends his considerable height over to rummage in his saddlebags, from which he retrieves what looks like a twenty-pound white paper bag. He tears the top of the bag open, the smell of cooked popcorn wafting from it.

Akamatsu looks between the pair as they enter and says "Alright, good luck to both of you." With that he steps back to give them each clear line of sight at each other and indicates a man outside the ring to ring a bell, indicating the start of the fight.

Present, and off to the side of the ring at the moment, Hamilton is doing some kind of warming up, although quite a bit of his attention is on the fight about to start too. Humming a bit to himself at the moment, he keeps on watching now, expression a bit thoughtful. Still doing his warm up exercise at the moment.

"You wanna sit on my shoulders, Missy Naoi?" Alhambra drawls, also barefoot and sitting in the crowd. "Get a better view?" The arrival of the Jaguar gets an eyeroll. "Aw, for crap's sake," she rumbles. "Hey! Douchebags and Donuts Night aint till tomorrow, you limey assbandit," she calls out in Majors' general direction. The bell ringing gets her attention, and she looks towards the ring with a momentary gape. "Uh. Yeah," she murmurs. "I would have to agree with you on that one, Missy Naoi. That's some big fellers."

Rillitan launches himself across the gap between himself and his opponent before the bell has a chance to calm it's ringing. Two feet pad lightly across the soft ground before he bounces down on his metallic foot and kicks out with the other towards Johnson's chest.

Travis Johnson is almost taken off guard by the sudden rush attack, but he is able to spin aside in time to watch the foot whiff in front of his chest. Using the opportunity, he spins back towards Rillitan with the side of his hand headed right for his jaw.

Eyes narrowing and focusing on the people below, Shera stands beside Cernunnos and his fabulous motorcycle. She points, fidgeting and squirming with what one might say is excitement, trying to direct his gaze towards Naoi and Alhambra, "Look, Cernunnos. /Look/. That one belongs to me!"

Naoi looks up to Alhambra, and then the crowd that manages to block most of the view and seems to be measuring curiosity versus her pride. "I suppose. I tried to get a better seat but gave up, there's too many here eager to watch the violence." She's not aware that she belongs to anyone.

"How nice for you. I'm sure you're very proud." Cernunnos drawls, taking out a large container of semi-liquid butter. He dumps it over his giant bag of popcorn, stirs the mixture with his skeletal hand, and then licks the excess butter off the bones. "So." He asks, grabbing a giant scoop of buttery salted popcorn and stuffing it rudely into his gob. "Who's killing who now?"

Majors hussles towards the gym but he does pause long enough to wolf whistle towards Alhambra. "Hmm I might have time enough for a quickly as long as you don't look at me luv." He offers the woman before he continues backstage.

Following his momentum, Rillitan shunts forward and turns into Travis' contact space, bringing his metallic arm forward to block the chop but lacking the power to block such a quick, powerful blow. It catches the Timonae off guard, knocking his jaw sideways with a heavy 'oof!' that's followed almost as quickly with a high, angry left punch back at the human's undefended temple.

Travis Johnson isn't so lucky this time, and the punch strikes him right on his temple, causing him to step back a bit to shake his head to clear it. Thankfully, it didn't hit full on. Regrouping, he steps forward to lift up his own leg headed right for Rillitan's gut.

"Either that or I start tossin' people outta your way," Alhambra 'reassures' Naoi whilst simultaneously throwing Majors the bird. Then, ironically, she adds, "Welp, folks like their violence, hon," shortly before yelling "C'mon, Lieutenant! Throw that Timmie!"

Hamilton smiles a little as he watches the fight now, humming a little as he makes his way over in the direction of the crowds, still watching the happenings up front now. He doesn't say anything, though.

"/Fuck off/." cries the Timonae, as Travis follows up his strong start with something suitably blockable. In fact, the Timonae steps into the kick before it carries any weight behind it and wraps a bicep around it. He steps forward, attempting to push Travis back off his center of gravity before bringing his foot up once again for a heavy, grounded kick.

"Yes," Naoi says, rising to her feet. "If you had to fight them, how would you go about it? How would you beat them? Oh, did you hear? I think you are fighting Majors."

Akamatsu watches the pair closely as they fight, half because it's a good showing, and half because he still needs to do his referee duties. His eyes continuosly dart between the pair as he stays close enough to see everything clearly, but far enough to not be in the way at all.

Travis Johnson manages to do some serious maneuvering to maintain his balance and avoid the foot slung in his direction. "Two can play that game pal..." he mutters, reaching down to grab hold of the arm now holding his leg, and with some upper body strength, attempts to flip Rillitan backwards like a poker chip.

"Oh, I don't think they're going to kill each other." Anshera replies, though she doesn't seem completely certain, "They're usually quite vehement against killing each other for sport. Rather boring. Come! I will bring you my Naoi to see." And without nary a word more, the elfin woman starts off at a dead run down the stands - careless of others, and towards Naoi.

"Gonna have kick ass?" Raisa asks as she leans over toward Hamilton, flashing him a grin. "Who're you going up against first?" She scans the crowd and then glances back toward the man.

Alhambra grunts at Naoi with a roll of her eyes. "Every fuckin' time I see the jackass, it seems. Uh, what do you mean, if I hadda fight 'em? I'ma have to fight at least -somebody-, an well generally I'd just WOOOOOO, Lieutenant! C'mon man, whup 'im!" She half stands up to bellow in the direction of the ring. Naoi is still blisffully unaware of Anshera, though she does give Alhambra a strange look. "Not worried? I am not liking my chances, if this is the level of competition that I can expect."

Rillitan frowns, as the Neanderthal postures around his body, and the Timonae steps forward, holding his elbows down against Travis' forearms and letting his upper body strength block any attempt to lift. He waits a second or so, merely a beat in the flow of the flight, before bringing his elbow back up and attempting to slam it into the side of Travis' large crown.

"Well, if these two are any indication of it, I guess I'm going to have my ass kicked," Hamilton offers with a bit of a grin to Raisa. Glancing though the crowd, then back to the two fighting at the moment, and then back to the woman. "What was the name again..." he mutters, mostly to himself at the question about who he's going up against. "Naoi or something like that, I think the name was..." A brief pause, and a chuckle. "But it's like every other kind of competition. If you want to get as far as possible, it's not a matter of who you're going up against, since you have to beat whoever you meet to stay in the game."

Travis Johnson manages to catch sight of the movement in time enough to avoid it being a full on blow, but the graze against his head hurts like hell enough to really piss him off. Tensing his leg, he starts to bring it up against Rillitan's gut.

Rillitan spins to the side, and he attempts to use the 'weak' attack to his advantage with a quick, high spinning kick, leaving himself suitably exposed should Travis not go down from the attack.

Travis Johnson is at full alert now, fully expecting his feint to provoke a response, but now he uses the successful distraction to his advantage. Dropping the leg, he reaches out to grab it as it whiffs buy, putting all of his effort into turning Rillitan's weight against him in against the unmoving mass of the arena's floor.

Majors exits the lockerroom clad in only his trousers. The Sivadian's hands and feet are bare except for the tape wrapping them.

Raisa grins, "I'll work with you sometime if you wanna get better," she offers lazily, keeping an eye on the opponents in the ring. "COME ON, RILL. KICK HIS ASS," she shouts. She gestures toward the Timonae. "My brother-in-law. Obligated to cheer for him."

"No killing? That's silly. How will they know who won?" Cernunnos chows down on another messy handful of popcorn, then reaches into the saddlebags again and retrieves a couple chilled 40-ounce bottles of alcohol. Prying the lids off both, he unscrews the cap on his motorcycle's gas tank, and upends the first bottle into it. Then he takes a swig from the second.

Alhambra lets loose another whoooop, clapping her hands together and hollering towards the ring, "Finish him off, man! Take him -dowwwwn-, whoooeee!" She raises an eyebrow at Naoi, and then shrugs. "Eh? Doesn't matter, honey, I don't need no shiny belt. I's just in it 'cause Aka asked me and I figured why the shit not?"

Once he gets him sufficiently plastered to the floor, he leaps upon him to try and pin him for the win. As two big sweaty muscular men wrestle on the mat, Naoi's eyes widen. "Oh." She's even blushing a little. "I think I felt that takedown from here. So strong." She must be getting the vapors.

Hamilton offers a bit of a grin, "That sounds like a good offer, for the sake of managing to get better at this, thank you." Looking back to the fight at Raisa's shout, he nods a little bit now. "I see. Sounds like a good reason for being obligated to cheer for a person." It's offered a bit lightly, as he watches the happenings rather carefully. "Now that's a fighting move..."

Anshera offers nary but a shrug back to Cern, focused on her target. A gleeful titter slips free as she grows nearer and nearer to Naoi, feet digging into the ground once she deems herself close enough and launching her into a leap towards the small woman. Arms and legs both outstretched, it seems the elfin woman is quite ready and prepared to cling for her life once contact is made, if it's made.

"Get off me you /burke/!" Rillitan grunts at the neanderthal as he's pinned down, "I tap out, ye' big brow'd prick!" Rillitan's metallic hand taps furiously from under a sweaty arm pit.

Alhambra's return is a completely idiotic grin. "Heh heh, yeah. Yeah they're real, uh. Strong. Yep. Heh heh." Clearly she's too butch for the vapors, but there's definitely a severe case of distracted foolishness going on. She does not notice Anshera's ambush, going on right behind her. "Heh heh heh."

"Woo!" Shouts Cern, flinging a handful of popcorn over the crowd towards the ring. "Now, carve out his heart! Rip out his spine! Oh! Or turn into a dragon and eat him!" The wolfy biker dude seems to see no reason why this shouldn't happen. "Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!"

Naoi is faceplanted when Anshera's momentum drives into her back, and then she's flailing and rolling and desperately attempting to get the thing assaulting her off of her.

Once Rillitan taps out, Travis gets back to a standing position, and offers a hand to the Timmie to help him up. "A good fight."

Akamatsu sees the pin and in true referee fashion drops down to see that the shoulders are in fact touching the ground, before making to deliver the three count, but then Rill taps. He then stands, grabbing the microphone and making to lift Travis' arm in the air and announce to the crowd "Your winner, by way of submission, Travis Johnson!" With that he lets Travis exit the ring, along with Rillitan announcing "The next round will be between Eiru sheriff, Alhambra, and.....Sividian, Thomas Majors!" With that he awaits the pair of people he just announced.

Assault! Oh so much assault as Anshera clings oh-so-tight to Naoi, nuzzling her cheek against the Fastheldian on whichever bit of her it can reach. Nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle, "Naoi. You are here. I have found you."

Majors gives the crowd his best Snobby English Wave. A wink for the lassies and then he starts into the ring. The Sivadian stretches for a few moments and lets out a small sigh. "Well now."

"Yeh, yeh. Good, right? See 'ow you 'fare any other day, aye? Now I know yer tricks." Rillitan pushes himself to his feet, refusing any sentimental gesture by Travis and pushing past him, storming towards Brock. "What the fuck was that, Rill, you went down like a little g-*URK!*-!!!" Brock manages nothing more, as he is necked out of the ring by the Timonae's powerful metallic grip.

Travis Johnson shrugs. "Ah well." He heads over towards the benches to watch the remaining fights.

"Pfaw!" Cernunnos snorts, taking a swig from his bottle. "That was a /terrible/ fight. No blood at /all/." "Rill, you're such a pussy," Raisa calls over to the Timonae, eyes rolling. And she gives a little wave. Yay for long lost sister-in-law who was supposed to be dead.

Alhambra growls under her breath, distracted from the fine display of large males being sportsmanlike by... "Fuckin' snooty skank-ass teatippin' rat shit bastard," she grumbles, taking off her coat and dropping it behind her with a "Hol' onto this, Missy Naoi." She's wearing a simple, ribbed black tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. Sandals are left behind as she strides towards the ring, rotating her shoulders and growling a bit louder as she steps up into it.

Naoi was about to break a wrist when she recognizes the voice, pausing, before suddenly embracing Anshera as if a long lost companion. Which she rather is. So distracted by being reunited with an official daughter which includes big sloppy mom kisses and hugs that she doesn't even do Alhambra the friend-thing of holding her coat.

Akamatsu looks between the competitors as they make their way in, and says "Alright, you two. I want a good clean fight." He says nothing more than this, as he stands in the middle of them, waiting for them both to appear to be ready, before stepping back and motioning at the same man as earlier, saying "Ring the bell."

Hamilton chuckles a little as he watches for the moment, both the end of the fight and the beginning of the next one. Offering a grin at Raisa's greeting of the Timonae, but otherwise not saying much.

Brock gets dropped. Not metaphorically, like a subject, but literally, like a man being held by his throat by a metallic hand. Rillitan glances sidelong at the taunt. Oh hey, it's his sister in law! "Pussy, huh?" Rillitan lumbers over to Raisa with a frown. And then he throws a heavy punch. Right at the face bit.

Alas, and Anshera simply doesn't care about Alhambra's coat, caught up in Naoi's motherly snuggles, "Naoi." Anshera murmurs, passing over a beaming smile, "You will come meet my friend, will you not?" Travis Johnson settles in to watch the fight, rather curious at the matchup.

"As long as you promise to tell me what happened to you." Naoi agrees, though she too disappeared for over a year and a half into a jungle island and grew feral. "Lead, I will follow... are you still with the father of your child?"

Alhambra takes a slow, deep breath, bringing her arms forward, palms up, then closes the fists and pulls her elbows back. The left leg is pulled back, and the right leg is held forward, shin facing the opponent. Exhaale. Then, she snorts, and just runs at her opponent, completely classless, arms out in an attempt to hoist him off his feet.

"Oi now luv.." Majors grumbles as eyes the woman as she charges in. There is the faintest of smirks on the Sivadian's face as he moves along. There is a bit of ducking and he attempts to counter with an arm bar of his own.

Snatching at Naoi's hand, Anshera gives her head a shake, nose twitching and her lips briefly parting for a show of sharp teeth, "No." She answers simply before immediately brightening back up, "Comorro does not like me any longer but I still take refuge with Alastair upon her, beneath her perception." She leads on, back through the crowd, towards Cern.

"Hiya, Rill," Raisa beams at her brother-in-law. And then she gets punched. "Ow! You're not supposed to hit your sister, you pompous ass." She huffs and grumbles, rubbing at her cheek. "That's gonna bruise, damn it."

Akamatsu is watching the fight closely, but does notice the punch thrown by Rillitan outside the ring. The ronin gives a subtle hand motion but a few of the security guards around the event begin to walk over in that direction. Akamatsu himself continues to pay attention to the current bought between Alhambra and Majors

Hamilton blinks a little bit as Rillitan makes his way over, and then the punch. "Now that's an interesting way of greeting each other," he offers, looking between the two of them now. While also looking back towards the fight happening now for a few moments, and then back to the others. "Nice fight you had up there," he offers to the Timonae. "Thought you had him there, for a while."

"YEH? Well, Stay dead next time, y'fuckin' moron!" Rillitan shouts, shaking his fist off and giving Raisa a sour look. He turns, lumbering ahead of the security in a dark grump and muttering things along the lines of 'getting it in the neck' and 'stupid big-browed-twat'. Quick, Rillitan, hold L2 and R2! (Brock uses a phoenix down!)

Naoi does kneel to collect Alhambra's coat but she follows Anshera, though she does catch glimpses of the conflict between Rillitan and Raisa. "That is a shame, he seemed to care for you."

Travis Johnson shakes his head. "Such a sore loser." he mutters to himself as he watches the action in progress.

Alhambra seems to remember that she's actually here for a fight, not just to smash folks. With a grunt, she adjusts her stance, and redirects Majors' attempt at an arm bar with her left arm while lashing forward with her right elbow. "Shurrup!" Grrrr.

Raisa shakes her head, still rubbing at her cheek where a bruise is starting to form. "Give Tia my love!" she calls after Rillitan and waves off the security with a shake of her head. "No fight here."

Mouth briefly pulling into a severe line once more, Anshera retorts, "He did not care." She too looks towards Raisa and Rillitan, smile returning slowly to the corners of her lips as she calls after the Timonae, "You should /eat/ her, darling! Then you shall be sure she lives no longer."

Hamilton shakes his head a little as he sees Rillitan heads off, before he looks over at Raisa. "I've seen more friendly exchanges between in-laws," he comments, after a few moments now.

"Anshera!" Naoi says, tugging her hand free of her own. She even looks terribly disapproving of that comment, just staring at the shapeshifter for a long moment. With a stiffed back, the Fastheldian walks over to Raisa. "Are you alright?"

Majors' breath escapes him as the blow connects with his chest. "Oi.." His hissed out with the last of the air. The Sivadian drops to a knee and holds his chest painfully. Where is Brock to toss in the towel when you need him.

Alhambra is not, probably much to Majors' disappointment, going for a pin. She just looms over the Sivadian, barely even winded but breath hissing through clenched teeth nonetheless. "Get up, you skank," she rumbles. "C'mon, man. Get up an' say somethin' dirty so's I can dent in that perty face of yours."

The security guards don't pursue Rillitan and go back to their positions, even before Raisa tells them to, though one or two give a curious glance at Shera's comment. Akamatsu continues to watch the fight and sees Majors get his clock cleaned by that shot from Alhambra. When she doesn't go for a winning move, he can't actually stop her, since she's not done anything against the rules by not winning. He simply waits to see if Majors can get to his feet within the ten count, which he starts.

Majors sucks in his breath for a few seconds and then slowly looks up to Alhambra, a wry grin on his face. The Sivadian then offers the woman a wink. "You'll never be the man your mother was luv."

"You filthy lily-livered fuckmuppet!" Alhambra bellows, muscles starting to twitch all up and down her back and legs. She remains in that bearish hunch as she lunges forward and attempts to take hold of the smart-assed Sivadian by his ankles.

Anshera frowns at the dissaproving look and tone, glancing back to see that Cern is stil where she left him before she follows after Naoi, "I like /him/ better than /her/." She justifies, reaching out to tug on the coat Naoi is holding, trying to draw her attention back, "Naoi, Cern will get impatient and bored if we leave him for too long."

Raisa glances at Naoi and gives a wry grin. "I'm fine. He hits like a girl anyway." She shrugs and looks back at the fight. "Thanks for the concern though."

Naoi nods slowly, and then lets Anshera lead them back to her wolf-friend.

"Quite sure you are the reason your parents got a divorce as...Oi..!" Majors is cut off as he tries to roll away but fails at it.

Cernunnos shakes the bottle of booze up and down, coaxing the last few drops out onto his extended tongue. Then he flings the bottle over his shoulder. "This is a /terrible/ fight." He laments, draping his lanky body over the handlebars of his motorcycle. "Don't you agree, Wildejagd?" The motorcycle does not respond.

"The Timonae is more fun." Anshera adds as an after-thought and still trying to justify herself as she leads Naoi up the stands, "Cernunnos! Look!"

"Bitch, if you're gonna insult a woman's parents, get your grrrrrn, goddamn facts straight. I'm the one with two daddies and one dumbass hippie Dorito-eatin momma," Alhambra growls, as she takes hold of both of Majors' ankles and drags him a little bit behind her. Those anger-twitching muscles tense up, and she... well, it looks like she's going to try and -throw- him.

"Now this got quite interesting," Hamilton remarks as he looks out at the fight now. Especially when it seems like there's a throw about to happen.

Naoi nods at the man speaking into his bottle, "I am told that you are friends with Anshera. I am Naoi, it is nice to meet you."

"Stay down, Majors, stay down!" Raisa hoots at the Sivadian.

"Bastard." Majors replies as he squirms out of the woman's grasp if only just barely. "Two fathers? We must certainly talk musical theater." He barks off a pained laugh. The Sivadian tries to grab the woman's leg and twist.

Akamatsu still does not stop the fight due to no real rules being broken, and still watches intently. Though he seems to be keeping a careful eye on Alhambra.

"Yes, yes, I'm looking." Cernunnos straightens up and turns to regard Naoi. "Hello." He says witha wolfy yawn. "We are old friends, indeed. Would you like some of this popped-corn?" He shoves the large bag of popcorn under Naoi's nose.

Alhambra's background rumble turns into a roar as Majors just refuses to stay down. Leg muscles bunching, she pushes off with the leg that the Sivadian is trying to grab, driving herself up into a jump out of reach. With the momentum produced, she drives that knee forward in the Muay Thai "khao loi," (for those in the audience studying form), more commonly known as the "flying knee strike."

"Oh, yes." Anshera murmurs to herself now that she's done her duty and introduced the two. Jade eyes turn upon Naoi again, the polymorph interjecting, "I went to Svajone before I went to live with Alastair. Cernunnos almost never comes there, you know." Mope.

"No, I am about to compete. I really should not." Naoi says, frowning. "What happened on Comorro? I don't recall you being in any trouble before... my accident."

Alhambra lands, planting both feet on the mat with a solid *whump*. Her unkempt hair is snarling with sweat, her lips are curled fully back from her teeth, and her breath is coming in alternately hissing growls and bull-like snorts. She stomps over to him, looming again. "Whut the HELL is Musical Theatre supposed to mean, you titwanker?"

Cernunnos yawns and curls his tongue. "It's harder to manifest there." He says matter of factly. When there's shouting from over by the ring, he cranes his neck to look at Alhambra. "Do you think she's going to kill him?" The wolfoid asks in a jaded tone.

Akamatsu looks at the shot and, seeing the blood and lack of movement, puts a hand up to Alhambra as a signal to stop the fight. Out of courtesy he does a ten count, albeit a bit of a quick one, before naming Al the winner, raising her hand and having the bell rung so he may announce to the crowd "Your winner, by way of a count out, Sheriff Alhambra!" With that he lowers Al's hand and tells her to go rest for a moment. The ronin then states to the crowd "We now have a very good treat for you all. Due to the number of competitors we acquired, our next match will be a very special, semi-finals match. It will be a tag team match in which those who have already won their match will be paired with a partner who would have been in the third round. The winning team will be our finalists of the evening."

"You are competing? I will help you if you are not winning." Anshera nods at that before turning on Cern with an exasperated sigh, "I /told/ you, we simply must figure out how to turn off Alastair's psionic repression field"

Alhambra rumbles a bit, and clomps on out of the ring. "Somebody get me some antiseptic, that teatipper done bled on me and I don't wanna catch no herpegonnosyphillitis." Pause. "Hell, just gimme some alcohol and a lighter, that oughta do it."

"Yes, I am competing and no you will not." Naoi states, "You will not break the rules on my behalf, there is no dishonor in losing honorably."

"It will appear, Cenn, that Master Majors will live to haunt women's underdrawers one more day." Naoi says, with a very flat expression.

Hamilton pauses for a few moments as he hears Akamatsu's announcement. "Seems like an interesting way to do it," he comments, as he starts getting himself ready for this one. "Now let's see how long it takes before I'm soundly beaten at this, then..." Part Englishman, part Russian leads to a strange kind of optimism, right?

Akamatsu awaits the lots to be drawn to determin the teams for the semi-finals and soon announces "The semi-finals will be a match of the team Naoi and Sheriff Alhambra, versus Travis Johnson and Hamilton. Please enter the ring now."

"But it's so dullll." Cernunnos yawns at Naoi and rocks back on his motorcycle. "Does this plane at least have a few monsters I could go kill? Or ancient haunted ruins? I need some real violence or I'mn going to fade away out of boredom." Travis Johnson heads into the ring, a nod to Hamilton as he gets himself ready.

"I do no--" Naoi pauses as her name is called, and she bows her head. "I must go. I will, hopefully of course, return." She pats Anshera's hand even as she frees her own, heading for the ring as well. Hopefully meeting up with her partner before she gets there.

Majors is carted off, the Sivadian's eyes glazed over as he looks up at the Demarian medic above him. "Show yer tits." He murmurs before passing out once more.

Alhambra looks up from where she is actually dousing the bloodied spot on her knee with rubbing alcohol, sets her pinkies into the corners of her mouth and looses a piercing whistle. "Missy Naoi! Come on now we gonna kick some -ass-." Still, apparently, amped up from the previous fight, she lopes over to the ring and standing-jumps in, reaching down for Naoi when she arrives.

Anshera watches Naoi go for a moment before letting free another sigh and returning her gaze to Cern, "T'is /terribly/ boring, though i'm sure that there's some beasts we can go fight. I /do/ know there is a haunted swamp of sorts!" Hamilton gets into the ring as well now, offering a grin and a nod to Travis Johnson, before getting himself ready for this one. "This'll be interesting," he mutters to himself.

Naoi takes Alhambra's hands and is likely vaulted into the ring.

"Don't get your ass beat as bad as Majors!" Raisa kindasorta cheers for Hamilton.

"Oooh, undead?" Cern perks up. "Well, it's not a dragon, but zombies are better than nothing. Let's go!" He starts up his motorcycle and drives straight off the back of the bleachers, ready to head off. A moment later, however, the wolfman sticks his head back up. "Um. Which direction is the haunted forest in?"

Akamatsu looks between the competitors as they get into the ring and says to them "Alright. The same rules as before apply to this match other than the winning team must beat both members of the other. Final match is between the members of the winning team." With that he once again waits for them all to ready themselves before stepping back and having the bell rung.

"We shall have to come back and fetch Naoi after, yes?" Anshera inquires, hop, skip, teleporting onto the motorcycle behind Cern and loosely gripping her arms around him. A glance around and she points in a north-westerly direction, "That way!" Though in reality the haunted swamp is on another planet. Whoops. Travis Johnson sizes up the situation, and selects his target. Letting out a gutteral caveman roar, he rushes forward with a leap to send a foot right towards Alhambra's neck. Chivalry? What chivalry? It's war!

Alhambra does indeed vault Naoi into the ring, still whooping (and unfortunately sweaty). She turns to their opponents with a great big grin on her face. "Whooo! Howdy, Lieutenant. And well whoever the hell you are." With another, notably less angry roll of her shoulders, she drops back into stance, rear leg braced solidly and front leg shin forward. As Travis comes pelting at her, she brings an arm up in an attempt to redirect the kick.

Alhambra takes the momentum started by the swinging arm, and pivots on the rear foot, twisting and bringing the other leg around in what superficially resembles the traditional karate roundhouse kick; however, the standing leg rotates and brings the hips into play, adding to the initial momentum and aiming to connect with the -shin-, not the foot.

Majors remains in the middle of the medical center punch drunk. "Come on luv.. yer certainly have a great arse.." He murmurs to towel dispenser.

Alhambra busies herself with defense, so Naoi goes on the offensive, her leading shoulder dragged across Alhambra's back so she can track her progress. As Travis defend himself from one attack, he'll find himself being assaulted from another angle as Naoi leaps around and attempts to drive hands, clasped together like a hammer, into the LT's solar plexus.

Yay, fighting. Raisa just blends in to the background of cheering for random people here and there, but mostly taking pleasure in the fact that she's not the one being beat up for once.

A banged up Majors isn't something you should leave unsupervised for very long. Once his medical caregivers are off to run some tests the Sivadian is trying to pull the IV drip into bed with him. "Come on lass.. shhhh.. sure I do not care for the over skinny birds.. but.. hmmm yes."

Seeing how both the opponents seem to go for Travis, Hamilton pauses a few brief moments before he moves in to aim a quick punch for Naoi's ribs now. "Going both of you against him, hmm?" he comments, perhaps a bit lightly as he oves in for that attempted punch.

Travis Johnson does a quick step to avoid Alhambra's shin kick, and then manages to spin to avoid Naoi's assault. With Hamilton attacking Naoi, he stays with his original target, and brings up his own foot with a spin kick right for Alhambra's side...

Alhambra looks like she was -going- to attempt to catch that kick in a clinch, and then very nearly changed her mind at the last minute. Which was not at all in time. With a very loud -whuff-, she flies back a bit, hits the mat, and skids a couple of inches on her back.

Akamatsu looks down to Alhambra as she's kicked all the way to the floor and begins the ten count for her, while the rest of the fight still ensues. It doesn't look like she'll make it, though.

Naoi continues through the momentum of her quick movement, ducking under Hamilton's punch and just managing to get out of the way of Alhambra as she is sent senseless to the mat. Well, that seemed to do it, because Naoi explodes right into a frenzy of desperation as the odds are firmly stacked against her. Hamilton this time, attempting to catch the man with a flying headbutt.

Okay, those flying headbutt things can be rather scary, right? Hamilton moves a bit to the side now, and throws out a kick in an attempt to catch Naoi with it at the moment.

Travis Johnson moves in to attack Naoi on her flack, leaping forward, foot extended, to give her the same treatment he gave Alhambra...

Naoi needs both arms to protect herself against Travis' brute strength and it still drives her back two steps, but it has the benefit of pushing her back toward Hamilton as he approaches to take a swing at her so instead she mule kicks backwards, hoping to catch him in the stomach.

"G'dammit, Aka, stop fuckin' counting and go find my other kidney. It's around here s-whoo-somewhere." Alhambra groans, not attempting to get up.

Does indeed stop his count when Al tells him to, counting her as down for the fight. Moving over to her, at the expense of missing the kick to Hamilton, he asks "Gonna be alright, or you need some medical help?" He glances back to the fight every second or so as he asks.

And guess what, that kick manages to catch Hamilton in the stomach, as he's unable to get his arms in place to block it. The kick sending him backwards a bit now. "Ohooiet'..." he mutters under his breath, but attempts to move forward in an attempt to attack again, this time with a proper left hook.

Majors lays in the medical tent smoking a cigarette now. His eyes still glazed over and vacant. The IV Drip is turned away from now. "Of course I still respect you dear." The Sivadian bemoans.

Travis Johnson lands after flying past Naoi, and turns to once again rush, this time intending to place the foot right in the small of her back.

Alhambra opens one eye and squints up at Akamatsu. "Yes, I am all right, I just reckon if I get another one of those my liver is going to climb out my ear, flip me a bird, and take off with half my stuff." She groans a bit. "Jesus Criminy on a snowboard, I ain't been hit like that since I got clipped by a Volkswagen."

Akamatsu looks back to the fight at hand, focusing on it, but still talks to Alhambra as she lays there, saying "Clearly you've forgotten our spars, then." He gets a smirk as he says it, though.

Damn if Naoi isn't as fierce as a trapped wolverwine and equally hard to catch. She twists at the hips, her right forearm pushing Ham's punch up, and then continues in the spin past the kick aimed at her back and past the LT's guard. The uppercut aimed at Travis' jaw reeks of desperation, but who cares as long as she hits. She certainly doesn't.

Oh good, he's not the one being attacked this time. And so Hamilton takes a few moments to gather himself, before he moves forward again, waiting until he sees Naoi occupied with that attempted uppercut. And so he tries to aim a punch in the direction of her ribs now.

Travis Johnson manages to step back to avoid the uppercut, but takes the opportunity to whip around in a high kick to try and connect with Naoi's head. Alhambra grumps, closing her eyes again. "-Man-, I only sparred you once, an' you whocked me upside the head and then sucker barf punched me. Where's the fun in that?" After a few moments of quiet, she adds, with a weak chortle, "Still didn't hit me as hard as he did, though." Heh heh.

No, what Naoi just did should be physically impossible. She settles on her toes just as a fist aims at her rib, and she throws herself into Hamilton, the only way to escape. Which means the high kick aimed at the back of her head should catch her, but she arches back, inexplicably flexible and continues falling back as head goes down and legs go up. She attempts to entrap Hamilton's neck with her legs, and if successful, with the leverage and momentum she has already built up, PULL HIS HEAD RIGHT OFF. Or, better, toss him to the ground.

Hamilton didn't expect that move. And so, he's unable to avoid it, and gets caught by it. Forcefully tossed to the ground, his head is still attached, but he gets knocked out from the landing, and remains completely still where he landed now. Well, he knew this was going to be a painful evening, didn't he?

Akamatsu looks to Hamilton as he's tossed, and after saying to Al "I'm sure he did. That or the shots to the head made you forget." With that he walks to Hamilton, finds him knocked out and doesn't even bother counting him out, he's down. Now he focuses on the last two standing.

Travis Johnson watches his partner go down, and gambles on a last minute move. Landing on his feet from another missed pass, he turns, charges forward, and flies up with a tremendous uppercut.

Naoi sends Hamilton slamming to the ground with a sharp twist of her hips, releasing him as he is hurtling to the ground just as Travis' fist is coming up, and it catches her right in the jaw with enough force to not only stop the spinning release but actually reverse it and she collides to the mat with a single bounce and doesn't move. Alhambra drags herself in a rather ungainly fashion out of the ring and flops down on the grass with a groan. "Fuck me, Margaret," she drawls, beckoning somebody over for water, which she dumps over her head. "Welp. At least I had a wild night out."

Akamatsu looks around at the bodies laying around the ring, groaning. Looking over to Travis he says, with no mic at the moment "I'm not going to make you fight a man who's just been knocked out." With that he goes and grabs teh microphone, announcing to the arena "And that, ladies and gentlemen, will conclude the first Tavros Budo Taikai. Our winner, by default is Travis Johnson, seeing as his opponent for the last round cannot rise to meet a ten count even as the fight would begin." He holds the man's hand in the air, adding "I give you the winner of this tournament, and the new Tavros MMA Champion, Travis Johnson!"