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Yellow Belt

The third level of roleplaying expertise that JTS players can achieve is the Yellow Belt. Pre-requisites include: Blue Belt.

If your character meets these pre-requisites, you qualify to test for the Yellow Belt. For this test, you must do the following:

1) Provide a pose for attacking another character.

2) Explain the three-pose rule.

3) Explain powergaming. What is it? Why is it bad?

4) Explain metagaming. What is it? Why is it bad?

5) Explain Speedwalking. What is it? When should it be used? If you have to speedwalk, what's the appropriate action when walking through a room with players?

6) Provide links to 6 logs of your character roleplaying.

Send your responses to with the subject of Yellow Belt. Be sure to include the name of the character!

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