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One thing to keep in mind is that whether you go on foot or pose using a shuttle, Nemoni and their ships are rather fragile and if a normal player decides to take aggressive action against you your chances aren't very good. Thus being aggressive or annoying to them is not a good idea. On the other hand, being so small gives you the advantage of speed and maneuverability so escape is always an option.  
One thing to keep in mind is that whether you go on foot or pose using a shuttle, Nemoni and their ships are rather fragile and if a normal player decides to take aggressive action against you your chances aren't very good. Thus being aggressive or annoying to them is not a good idea. On the other hand, being so small gives you the advantage of speed and maneuverability so escape is always an option.  
===Name Examples===
Nemoni characters don't have a particular naming convention but here is a list of example names used in the past:
[[category:Aliens Native To Ancient Expanse]][[category:Humanoid Aliens]][[category:Tiny Aliens]][[category:Aliens Recommended For Advanced Players]]
[[category:Aliens Native To Ancient Expanse]][[category:Humanoid Aliens]][[category:Tiny Aliens]][[category:Aliens Recommended For Advanced Players]]

Latest revision as of 08:38, 16 November 2012


Scientific Name: wee little tiny men-us
Classification: Microscopic Humanoid
Average Height 0.25"
Average Weight 0.03oz
Average Lifespan
Native Language
Homeworld Nemonus


Physical Data

Nemoni are a humanoid species that on average stand at 0.25 inches tall. Like many species this can vary, and though very rare, some Nemoni as tall as 0.375” have been recorded. Their skin color is typically a shade of red. On average it is a crimson color, but can vary from as bright as cardinal red to as dark as maroon. Their hair is typically a shade of yellow. On average it is pure yellow, but can range from very light yellow to as dark as amber. Their eyes have the same color ranges as most other humanoids, with brown being the most common. Beyond that, their physical characteristics are the same as humans.


Nemoni society has evolved into a unified world based on a democratic system similar to a republic. The Nemoni people elect members to represent them in the Senate, and they also hold a general election every 5 years for the position of President. Senators and Presidents are limited to up to 4 consecutive terms, but if voted out of office or their term expires they can run again after 10 years, or 2 election periods.

After the devastation of Nemonus by the Zar, Nemoni society has fractured but their strong societal ties have kept them from devolving into total anarchy and chaos. Though they have kept it a closely guarded secret, the Nemoni have relocated their capital city to Cana, one of the moons orbiting Pyracan. Situated deep in the wall of a large crater, it has been kept protected and well out of harm’s way. Given the fact that Nemoni settlements are now spread across many worlds in the galaxy, heavy reliance has been put on the Nemoni Merchant Marine force which keeps a steady supply of food, water, and materials flowing to their colonies. In addition, the Nemoni Star Force has re-deployed to provide quick response to any threats against their colonies. Indeed, their behavior now is much like hornets protecting their nest. Disturb it in any way, and you will find yourself under attack by a swarm of fighters and ships. However, they are not bloodthirsty. The main goal of such a response is to drive any threats away from the colony and keep them away until such time they can stage an evacuation and re-location. Indeed, once a Nemoni colony has been discovered they know it will be difficult to protect it at all times. Such protection is impossible, and thus Nemoni policy is relocation.

One side benefit to having a Nemoni colony nearby is they provide excellent pest control. Nemoni food sources are typically insects, the only animals small enough for them to harvest without putting themselves in danger. Given a typical Nemoni colony can harbor millions of Nemoni in a confined space, they will require a steady supply of insects for nourishment. Thus regular harvests of insect populations are common, and in so doing, they reduce their impact on the surrounding area. They are not ignorant of the ecological impact of some insects however and are careful to avoid killing off beneficial insects such as those which serve as pollinators.

Another impact of the scattering of Nemoni is how Senators are elected. Instead of being from a particular region of Nemonus, now they are typically elected to represent individual colonies. Without a homeworld to call their own, Nemoni life these days is focused more on survival than anything else, but they are quickly adapting to return to a sense of normalcy.

When it comes to relationships Nemoni bond for life. The male of the couple wears a silver headband which signifies his martial status, whereas the females wear a headband of gold which is typically adorned with gems and embroidered designs.

Food And Drink

When it comes to drink, Nemoni have some of their own alcoholic concoctions but they are quite able to enjoy anything the Humongi can enjoy.

The same goes for food, but Nemoni have their own dishes prepared from the insects they collect. Anyone looking at them would think they were looking at something they had for dinner last night, but the difference is ingredients. A hamburger might be made of ground up ant meat. French fries might be battered beetle antennae. It’s long been known that insects can be a good source of nourishment, and the Nemoni have capitalized on that.


Nemoni possess the same technology as most other races, including their own version of the OtherSpace drive derived from Thul designs. (If a Nemoni is asked how they got them, the usual answer is ‘Don’t ask.’) Pulse laser weapons, conventional warhead missiles, and mass drivers provide the offensive and defensive capabilities of Nemoni starships. Nemoni vessels range in size from scout ships that are no bigger than a pack of cigarettes to battlecruisers that are as large as a coffin, wielding a crew of tens of thousands. How effective these ships are against non-Nemoni races depends on their size. Small ships would be at most an annoyance, though if enough of them were to use missiles against a standard sized humanoid target, they could inflict serious external injury. On the other hand, a shot from the mass driver of a Nemoni battlecruiser could punch right through a human. Typically, though, Nemoni vessels do not seek conflict with non-Nemoni races and will only respond if threatened.

One weapon the Nemoni have derived that can be devastating is the thermonuclear micro-warhead. Utilizing hyper-enriched polydenum these weapons pack a powerful punch in a small package. A typical Nemoni nuclear missile is perhaps six inches long, but the resulting detonation creates a fireball easily 6 feet in diameter, sending shockwaves out another 15 feet and causing thermal and radiation burns to anyone within 10 feet of the explosion. These are typically kept in reserve and deployed only as a last resort. Given their potential, they are tightly controlled, and only military capital vessels are equipped with them, and even then only in limited quantities.

Operation of spacecraft in this new age has altered significantly from previous practices. Given the loss of Nemonus and its vast resources ship construction is at minimum and thus construction of replacements lost to accidents places a heavy burden on the Nemoni economy. It is now standard practice while planetside on Nemoni worlds that to prevent further loss of ships and to also enhance security by not giving away a colony's location due ships frequently coming and going the crews of ships utilize small shuttles to travel around.

RP Guidelines

Playing a character that is substantially smaller than the rest of the playerbase presents its own unique challenges but if done right can provide an enjoyable experience. In the early days of Nemoni ship objects were used to travel around, but over the years this was found to be rather cumbersome and impractical. Actual ships these days will be created in CSpace as working vessels but this will mean they are restricted to the landing areas like any other ship. While your character is out any about here is a list of ways your character can interact with normal sized players:

  • Using a commlink to talk with others. This is by far the simplest way, but can be impractical in some situations.
  • Posing that you are in a small shuttle. If you choose this method, you can use the commlink method as well but also your vessel would be considered to be equipped with a speaker that will allow you to pose talking to those outside your shuttle while in the cockpit.
  • A special situation for Comorro is that her translation matrix automatically boosts your natural voice's volume so that others around you can hear you, so in this case once you have the attention of another player (a good idea so you don't get stepped on!) you can pose as normal.

One thing to keep in mind is that whether you go on foot or pose using a shuttle, Nemoni and their ships are rather fragile and if a normal player decides to take aggressive action against you your chances aren't very good. Thus being aggressive or annoying to them is not a good idea. On the other hand, being so small gives you the advantage of speed and maneuverability so escape is always an option.

Name Examples

Nemoni characters don't have a particular naming convention but here is a list of example names used in the past:

  • Meston
  • Malcon
  • Elaria
  • Derkin
  • Felorin

Races Navigation
Hiverspace Races: Aukami, B'hiri, Drrhaan, Falari, Gankri, Hekayti, Llivori, Lotorian, Lyiri, Muscipulan, Nemoni, Opodian, Pyracani, Riftwalker, Thul, Tupai, Yoridini
Normalspace Races: Almedae, Calzonite, Castori, Centauran, Demarian, G'ahnli, Grimladhi, Kretonian, Mekke, Mystic, Nall, Odarite, Phyrrian, Theorian, Timonae, Vollistan, Ydahri, Yoescu, Zangali
Other Races: Kamir, Il'Ri'Kamm, Positronic