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Icon money.gif Earning Money

Hekayti Credits are the currency of the realm, as it were. You'll need these to purchase gear, pay a crew, buy a home, or build a starship.

The best way to earn money and grow an empire on OtherSpace is by participating in Dominion 2.0, a strategy game that uses our crafting system mechanics to discover new worlds, develop new alien races, and expand powerful player-built governments.

Earning Roleplaying Belts

Roleplaying Belts provide a source of achievement for participants on OtherSpace. They are also the basis for our monthly Saga Point payouts. Earn a Golden Belt and you'll receive 600 Saga Points every cycle.

Similar in premise to martial arts belts, our Roleplaying Belts are an attempt to measure a player's creative expertise with their character and the stories they tell for fellow players, along with gauging and rewarding behind-the-scenes contributions to the game (building rooms, writing character journals, and promoting our games across the Internet, for example).

We have six levels of expertise. Normally, players may test for only one belt each week. You may put multiple characters through the testing process simultaneously. Belt achievements are progressive. You may qualify for a Golden Belt right now, but you must take the time and test for each belt in turn, starting with the Green.

Tests are conducted via email. Information on each test can be found at the following links:

Once you've passed the belt test, you'll be notified via email, your character will receive a badge in-game, and your achievement will be announced on our Facebook Fan Page.

Exceptions to the one-belt-per-week rule are based on monetary contributions toward our marketing and server costs:

Earning Badges

Badges are OOC (Out of Character) achievements. They're not required under most circumstances although some, such as the Roleplaying Belts, are necessary if you want to apply for alternate characters or earn special benefits.

We've got more than 400 badges at last count. They tend to fall under the following categories:

To access the system in-game and see the available badges, type +listbadges. You can type +sheet/badges to see which badges you've currently collected. Type +sheet/badges X (where X is another character's name) to see their badges. Type +hasbadge X (where X is the number of a specific badge) to see which players have earned that badge.

For a full roster and to see which characters have earned them, you can also visit

Earning Medals

Medals are IC (In Character) achievements worth Reputation Points - effectively, they determine your clout and celebrity in Hiverspace. These are awarded to characters based on special activities and major RP events. However, it's also possible for players to submit their own ideas for medals that they can have rewarded to their peers.

To access the system in-game and see the available medals, type +listmedals. You can type +sheet/medals to see which medals you've earned. Type sheet/medals X (where X is another character's name) to see their medals. Type +hasmedal X (where X is the number of a specific medal) to see which players have earned that medal.

Earning Saga Points

These points are earned through the weekly Saga Point Paycheck system, biography submission, confetti rewards, roleplaying awards, and recognition for community participation.

Icon action card.gif Using Action Cards

Action Cards are used to enhance your character's stats and skills during refereed activities. For example, your character might be faced with jumping a wide chasm, but you haven't invested a lot of points in Athletics. Worried you might die? You can improve your chances with an Action Card, reducing or eliminating negative modifiers depending on the tier of the card you've purchased.

Action Cards are available in three tiers: 1, 2, and 3. Tier 1 cards generally grant a +3 to eligible taskrolls and are the most expensive to purchase. Tier 2 cards generally grant a +2 to eligible taskrolls. Tier 3 cards generally grant a +1 to eligible taskrolls and are the cheapest to purchase.

You're allowed to use as many as 10 Action Cards during a single refereed session.

Icon event card.gif Using Event Cards

Event Cards give you the power to create your own adventures with the aid of our game staffers. For example, you might want to lead your crew on a bounty hunt mission to capture an NPC for cash. You'd purchase a Bounty Hunt card, post a +str identifying the staffer you want to run the event, and then arrangements are made to run the event. Before the event begins, you hand the card over to the staffer.

Activities sparked by single Event Cards are intended to normally run during a single session, but may spawn prolonged storylines. It is possible to play multiple Event Cards to create more of a challenge for the staffer (and the participants), but we recommend caution as mixing and matching cards can yield unexpected, unintended, and (sometimes) unpleasant results. You're almost always better off limiting events to one card a time.

As of 2/27/2011, the new pre-requisite thresholds for playing Event Cards are: 50 Saga Points to call on a staffer for a single Event Card, 200 Saga Points for two Event Cards, and 750 Saga Points for three Event Cards.

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