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It's the year 2652.

Driven from the security of his sanctuary on Aukam, the ousted Zar Hideg Fekretu hunts for the means to avenge himself against the Outversers and his former allies among the Medlidikke pirates.

Hiverspace should have been his to hold in the iron grip of the Koltkamir war fleet. If he can't have it, perhaps no one else should. But, he reasons, there are other worlds than these. The coming of the Outversers has made Fekretu all too aware of the possibilities that might come from opening a gateway to the right place in the right time.

He has looked in the mirror and found the reflection wanting. He can be more than a fearful fugitive. He can rule over the worlds these interlopers left behind. His ambitions renewed and amplified, the toppled Zar appears resurgent, heedless of the catastrophic consequences that his actions might yield.

No price is too high for vengeance.

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What's All This About?

OtherSpace is a MUSH. The shortest explanation is: We're a cross between tabletop gaming and an improvisational theater troupe within a chatroom-like interface.

Imagine a space opera story where the viewers are also central characters with a direct impact on what happens as the epic evolves. That's OtherSpace.

What's a MUSH?

MUSH is a technical term for a subgenre of online games known as MUDs, which have been around for decades. Traditionally, MUSHes (or Multi-User Shared Hallucinations) are more focused on collaborative roleplaying and storytelling than combat and quests seen in more common MUDs. So, if you're not big into character development or getting into the thick of evolving plots, a MUSH probably isn't for you.

What's In It For Me?

You're not wasting your time playing a game like OtherSpace.

Among other things, you:

  • Improve reading and writing skills
  • Experiment with actions and consequences
  • Tinker with various personality styles
  • Exercise your imagination

Also, our players recognize their peers each week as Roleplaying Notables. We occasionally hold larger-scale roleplaying award ceremonies too.

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