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Let the Rock Roll!
Species or Race Drrhaan
Gender Neuter
Height 11.5 ft
Weight Approx 9 tons
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color None
Eye Color Blue
Biological Age A few eons short of a millennium
Date of Birth Long Long Ago in a Electric maelstrom not so far away
Died Currently Living
Spouse N/A
Residence Materi Syna
Profession Mrriti
Employer Orion Confederacy
Character name Mrrrrrdaann

Who They Are

Mrrrrrdaann is a former Mrriti of the Yunnnna, of the Nvrrrra Henge, who was was sent out as an ambassador of good will and a Mrriti to those in need of his considerable skills.


Towering over eleven feet in height and weighing over nine tons, this inorganic bipedal creature commands an imposing presence. This is apparently a Drrhaan. Each rock segment is attached to the next by millions of platinum-colored filaments, somehow allowing it full freedom of movement. Two large, glowing eyes peer out of it's craggy head-like appendage. It has two stalwat locomotive limbs, two gargantuan manipulative limbs, and one 'head' appendage. The sheer volume and mass of this being alludes to plowing cattle or falling timber when it moves. There may be no such thing as an unstoppable force but apparently the immovable object ... moves. This Drrhaan has a large composition of sedimentary stone shot through with obsidian. It's center stone is a deep blue crystal. Large glowing blue eyes meet yours as you look over the 11 foot tall stone anthromoph. It's titanic stone mass is obscured in place by fine lychens, brown splotches, on it's arms, side and legs. As you look at it you notice it's profound chest. What would be large defined pectorals stand out. It's long tremendous craggy arms end in what would be large pillow sized hands, but there is nothing soft about there massive gripping appendages. Where it's belly would be is a flattened series of stony ridges. It's massive legs are thick rocky pillars. It's body looks like it can move tremendous weight.


The stone that the cutters rejected has become the cornerstone! A former Mrrriti Mrrrdaaan was given a diplomatic mission to represent the Drrhaan to the other races of the Universe. A Mrrriti of the Yunnnna was chosen as the outside world is sometimes seen as 'depolarized' or in other words: barbaric.

Early in his life Mrrrrrrdaaann was rejected from Mrrriti service due to his 'boldness' and 'audacity' but as he aged his charge mellowed to a lower resonance and what was once 'bold and outlandish' became 'Resolved Initiative and Unflagging Determination'. Mrdan is still as humble and polite as can generally be expected of his race without being a deviant, but his personality lends itself to his former job.

Once Mrdan sets about a task very little deters or distracts him. He has mastered melee combat as required by his former profession and is also a tireless and detailed detective after the Drrhan fashion. He has also became an adept in most forms of sychokinesis in the long journey of his career as a Mrrriti. He has regularly used psychokinetic attacks in conjunction with his melee attacks against the Drrhaan Depolarized. In his new venture he hopes to find a niche where he can be of the most use while experiencing as much as possible.


Mrdan is currently a Mrriti acting as a Minuteman for the Orion Confederacy Militia.




