Would you like The Force with that?
Several management types sat at tables in the McDonald’s dining room, holding a breakfast meeting while I munched on a burrito. The senior manager leading the meeting made a comment:…
Several management types sat at tables in the McDonald’s dining room, holding a breakfast meeting while I munched on a burrito. The senior manager leading the meeting made a comment:…
Yet another update! Last one for Week #1 of my attempt to revive RoE! :) A hive of scum and villiany... Tatooine is dug out and described. Notable locations such…
Kessel has been built! It is small (half the size of Coruscant). While I do not forsee Kessel being a hub for RP, it will be used to mine various…
Here is my second update for the Star Wars : Reach of the Empire project. Building has begun on Coruscant! Rejoice! I am committed to providing a minimum of ten rooms…