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[[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Combat]][[category:Logs That Include Rillitan]][[category:Logs That Include Tiana Ryoleli]][[category:Logs That Include Raisa]][[category:Logs That Include Kallyn]][[category:Logs That Include Asherak]][[category:Logs That Include Altor]][[category:Logs That Include Raicon]][[category:Logs That Include Vadim]][[category:Logs That Include Akazar]][[category:Logs That Include Akamatsu]][[category:Logs That Include Volidana]][[category:Logs That Include Clankritich]][[category:Logs That Include Hal'gus]][[category:Logs That Include IND Laughing Fox]]
[[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Combat]][[category:Logs That Include Rillitan]][[category:Logs That Include Tiana Ryoleli]][[category:Logs That Include Raisa]][[category:Logs That Include Kallyn]][[category:Logs That Include Asherak]][[category:Logs That Include Altor]][[category:Logs That Include Raicon]][[category:Logs That Include Vadim]][[category:Logs That Include Akazar]][[category:Logs That Include Akamatsu]][[category:Logs That Include Volidana]][[category:Logs That Include Clankritich]][[category:Logs That Include Hal'gus]][[category:Logs That Include IND Laughing Fox]][[category:Logs of Staffer-Run Events]][[Category: Olympus Logs]]
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Latest revision as of 10:14, 26 March 2012

Comorro Liberation Effort: Part 1

Summary: The would-be liberation team board Comorro to discover that they had been brought into a trap. Of course, they decide to go ahead and spring it! Action ensues.

Cast: Rillitan, Tiana, Raisa, Kallyn, Asherak, Altor, Raicon, Vadim, Akazar, Akamatsu, Volidana, Clankritich, Hal’gus

Air Date: Fri May 13 18:43:36 2653

Setting: The IND Laughing Fox

After a brief journey through OtherSpace, the Laughing Fox drops to sublight out of Comorro’s immediate sensor range. As the Lotorian crime lord promised, the Nall warships in service to the Zarist Supremacy are nowhere to be seen. The Yaralu drifts along against a backdrop of glittering stars, her ancient hull dimly lit by the local sun in a star system consisting of colorful gas giants.

Contents: Exits:
None. None.

Across the on-board communication channel Rillitan’s voice crackles into life. “Boarding team, prepare t’ dock. Send t’ shorty in first, shouldn’t be so ‘ard for ‘im to manoeuvre through.” The comms hiss and stop.

Asherak points to her face, “That me?” she asked softly to Kallyn.

Raisa points at Gus. “I think that one’s shorter than you,” she replies. She straightens and adjusts her armor and weapons. “Well, hopefully no one dies tonight,” she adds cheerfully.

Akamatsu comes out of his silence once again and asks “So nobody ever really said. What’s the plan for when we get there? I heard something about defusing a bomb.”

Altor pulls up to where the Fox has arrived, picking up the transmission. “In position and ready to board.” he says, shifting modes as he gets near the hatch.

The large starfighter begins to break apart, the forward fuselage forming into a pair of arms while a head rises from the main fuselage. The wings fold against the back as the engines split into a pair of legs, leaving a large robot in its place.

Approaching Raisa and Vadim, Raicon looks to both of them as he asks the big question, “Where do I come in?” He crosses his arms and waits patiently for either one of them to decide his fate. “I’m good with a rifle, and I’m decent support on the ground with with a radio and a medkit.

Asherak looked about nervously, fliping a coin along her fingers back and forth, back and forth. Ocasionally the coin seemed to crackle as if giving her a small static shock, a stout ‘SNAP’ sound coming from it as she looks about anxiously.

“Wait for my go, Altor.” Rillitan replies over the comms, “Remember, if we move out’ta t’ Forbidden Quarter too early our plan finds a big explosion with us in it. I’ll lead a team out soon as we set up at t’ bomb site. We’ll keep in contact.”

Giving Rillitan a bit of a smooch, Tia takes a moment to murmur a few words of muted affection before she makes way towards the airlock, preparing to disembark.

The Laughing Fox spins on it’s center of mass, lining up with the airlock vestibule and attaching itself. There is a loud hiss as the airlock opens outwards and a quick, slightly rushed pressure dispersal throughout the ship.

Vadim glances at Raicon idly. “Just come along with the rest of us. Sure not everyone is going to go to the bomb.” he states, before looking at Raisa, sidling up to her. He too says something quietly to her and kisses her. Then, he’s drawing out his pistol, charging them both.

Raisa returns Vadim’s kiss before she rises. “I’m headed with Tia. Don’t you dare die, Vadim,” she says sternly, but murmurs quietly before she also starts charging up her weapons.

Akamatsu looks to be having a hard time deciding which of his weapons to use first. Eventually he decides to try out a new toy in the automatic rifle he was given and begins working out precisly how it is loaded and unloaded before he dares step out.

“Show time,” Kallyn murmurs, giving Asherak one last squeeze before she lets go and strides to disembark with the others. She fiddles with the ziptie on her whip before breaking it off, and unstraps the weapon from her hip. Her other hand unfastens the dusty tome from her satchel and clutches it tightly.

A few last-minute checks on his rifle and Hal’gus bolts through the airlock the moment it opens. He tumbles out of the other side, quickly making for the cover of the shadows.

Clankritich is heading out the airlock almost before it’s opened, his metal legs pressing against the door as he squeezes his body through. The B’hiri’s many eyes are immediately scanning the area outside, his plasma rifle twitching this way and that.

“Right, lets do this.” Raicon put more trust into Vadim than anyone else since he was the one in charge and of course, shared the common trait of being a human. Pulling the rifle for inspection, it only takes him a few seconds to figure its operation as he charges a bullet forward in the chamber ready to go. Hogging a few clips, he fastens a belt that holds them on his waist as he grabs a makeshift bag containing cloth and what seems to be a needle and fishing line.

Last one in, last one out; Rillitan stays on board to ensure everyone is off the Laughing Fox before closing the internal airlock and speaking into his comms, “Alright, they’re in.” he moves back with the on-board team, “Fauze, keep an eye on yer sensor kit and make sure we don’t ‘ave any surprises. You too Altor.”

Junk Maze – Comorro Station

A twisting labyrinth of junk has accumulated in this purple-gray cavern with walls of fossilized bone. Collected by inhabitants in the Forgotten Quarter, the refuse includes chunks of prefab cubicle walls, android limbs and torsos, hovercar bodies, battered satellites and ancient space weapon platforms, cast-off ovens, holovid arrays, and the occasional alien skeleton.

Kallyn crawls through the duct with some mild difficulty. She is thin, thankfully, but the length of her limbs makes it rather awkward. Still, she manages it without complaint and shuffles right along.

Hal’gus forges ahead, moving through the ducts as a fish might move through water and quietly slinking his way through to the other side.

Raisa wiggles her way through the duct, dragging along her rifle with a grumble. “Whoever keeps touching my ass better stop or they’re going to have their hand removed when this is over,” she growls over her shoulder in a hushed tone.

Tiana Ryoleli doesn’t appear to have any real, marked difficulty crawling through the ducts, the girl keeping her body low and tucked in and she crawls along. She keps quiet for the time being.

Akamatsu makes his way through the duct still silent as death and keeps the P-90 in one hand but not yet ready to fire so as not to shoot anybody on accident.

Chills run up Raicon’s spine as the cool breeze flows throughout the large vent, as he follows the rest of the team, finger away from the trigger and his safety off. As they move as a unit, he tries to keep his movements light and an ear out for anything unusual.

Akamatsu makes his way through the duct still silent as death and keeps the P-90 in one hand but not yet ready to fire so as not to shoot anybody on accident.

As Tiana gets to the vent that overlooks the chamber at the end, she might look down and see a missile, approximately 45 feet tall, sitting on a platform in the middle of the cavern. As Lord Akazar promised, there are ten...wait, no...twelve Nall gathered around the weapon. Ten already here, but two entering from what looks like a sort of junk maze in the Forgotten Quarter.

Altor keeps eye on the rear as the others get near the Forgotten Quarter. For now that's about all he can do, until they pop out into the open space.

Akamatsu looks around to the group and asks quickly trying to be quiet about it "What exactly is the mission? Kill then disarm or disarm then kill?"

Asherak crawled along the vent, tiny, easy to slip past others. Looking about, trying to get her self in a position to do something other then be in the way...

"Goal is to get Tiana to the missile so she can disarm it," Raisa replies quietly. "We do whatever we have to in order to get that done." She clears her throat. "Hey, you. Red. Can you put one of those wall things around her while we draw their and maybe take the Nall out?"

"If I may.." Raicon inputs his own suggestion with a whisper to the group, "Have the strike team go down and react a perimeter drawing fire, and then have the bomb squad drop a few seconds after we have diverted their attention to draw fire on us, so they can disarm without worrying about getting killed."

"Puckstopper 'ere: gizmo heap nice spot fer goatnatchin'. Suggestifyin' we lure'em out thattaway and give'em the stick, yessir," crackles the odd-talking voice of Hal'gus over the coms, the Halaghi jesturing toward the junk maze.

Asherak looks to Tia, "Do you trust me?" she asked, "I can get you where you want to go, but youll need to trust me......." she said, holding her hand out. "When we can see it, just point it out to me...." she said softly.

Akamatsu gets behind Tiana and asks "Can you see? What's down there?"

"When people drop down, I can put a barrier around the ones working to actually disarm the bomb," Kallyn remarks, "I just need to be able to see."

Tiana Ryoleli takes a few minutes murmur quietly over comms before she looks back - or tries to look back at least - to the people occupying the vent behind her, "'ERe's about 12 Nall total. 2 comin' in from t'maze looks like while t'others mill about t'missle." Green eyes shift to Asherak at the question of trust and within the depths of those eyes isn't one smidgen of trust at all. A quick, anxious glance is cast back to Raisa, the reasons behind which the Lunite would be familiar, then she looks to Asherak again, "Yeah. S'prolly our best bet, you gettin' m'down 'ere." Shudder.

"Kallyn... don't shield me once we jump..Shield Tia...I'm fast enough, I'm hoping they wont be able to hit me...But if you try to stretch the barrier too much......" she went silent, then, looked to Tia, "I wont screw up. Jumping isnt hard....Its like falling up mostly..." she smirked, "just.." she gulped, "Dont let go of me till we stop......."

Altor gets into position in the rear, and activates his scanners to take a look at the area. In the process, he scans the Nalls milling about, and on a whim, scans the missile they are guarding.

"You keep her safe," Raisa growls up at Asherak. "Anything happens to her, and you aren't going to live past this moment." Her eyes narrow but she gives Tiana an encouraging nod. "Just do your thing, Ti. Do you see anything down there where we could have some cover or is it all open?"

Altor's scan of the missile brings up one key piece of information: The Coreseeker is inert. Unarmed. Non-functional. Nothing more, it would seem, than a prop.

Akamatsu looks around at the group assembled here and asks "So once we establish where cover is will everyone be ready to jump?"

Altor suddenly looks surprised, then takes a double take, and mentally checks his scanners once again. "Holy shit... if my readings are correct, that thing is a dud. No explosives, nothing... it's just a damn missile casing." he says to the group. "They're guarding a worthless hunk of junk!"

"I'm more powerful than you give me credit for, Ash," Kallyn replies, "But as you wish. I'll cover Tiana, and the bomb itself - to ward off stray shots." She turns her head to glare at Raisa. "I understand your concern for your friend, but if you try to harm this girl you'll have to get through me first." Her eyes flare red for that warning.

The small man looks off in the direction of Tiana and the others as they chatter, shaking his head and mumbling into his commlink. "Puckstopper: Suggestifyin' boomstickers play heylookoverhere with goatbuggers in gizmo heap, goatbush'em, facture team on the ticker. Diversify and kerblamerate."

He then glances over to the swearing transformer, tilting his head. "Puckstopper: Claprattle ticker?"

Asherak's skin pales suddenly, "Its a trap...." she whimpered, looking about nervously, her coin suddenly stuck to the side of the vent, "nononononononononono" she whimpered

"What?!" Raicon's loud whisper echos within the group as he ignores the banter down the vent, looking to Altor with the scanner, "Is this the only supposed bomb on the ship?" A heavy sigh soon follows as he moves his body to lay sideways inside the vent. "I see intel has improved over the years..."

Akamatsu jerks his head back towars Altor and says "Oh Buddha. That means this is either a trap or these Nall are idiots. I hope its that later but I have a bad feeling it's the first."

"Damnit, Ash," Kallyn hisses and backs off to wrap arms around the human girl, "Calm down, this is the /worst possible time/ for you to be flipping out..." She rocks the girl with one arm and fumbles through her medical satchel in search of a sedative with the other. Just in case. "Should we back off, sir?" she asks ahead to Tiana or whoever else is in charge.

Raisa growls low in her throat at Kallyn. "That's my sister, so yeah, if the girl gets her killed, I'd be all too happy to go throu-" She stops and blinks. "We're climbing through these vents for absolutely no purpose? Wouldn't Comorro have been able to sense if the missile were a fake?"

Every once in a while, one Nall or another glances up toward the vent. Anticipating, it would seem.

Volidana looks as aka "Not the brightest in the multiverse but not /that/dumb...

"You wanna git shot right 'ere, by me, you keep on prattlin', new boy." Tia hisses back to Raicon, her tendion already risen by the fact that she was nearly transported psionically. A sharp 'shh!' is offered to Asherak before she addresses the rest, "Look, either way we need t'git t'Nall outta 'ere - an' right now 'at means shoot 'em for 'ey shoot us. So - new plan. You-" She looks to Kallyn, "You calm 'er down-" She gestures to Ash, "Because we's goan need 'er t'place us around where we ain't expected t'be comin' from - junk maze, lil' 'idden nooks - 'ere's tons ah places t'ide down 'ere." She clenches her jaw tightly, "Bloody Akazar..."

There's some distraction, however, out in the junk maze somewhere. Noise. A woman shouting. Screaming. Something about having them surrounded. The commander of the contingent by the missile growls and then stalks toward the maze, tail lashing back and forth in frustration.

Tiana Ryoleli also totally mumbles over comms.

Volidana blinks "That little darkness spawn Lotorian."

Asherak looked to Tia and nodded "The problem is If i cant see where im going its a little harder. Doable, but i cant guarentee precise touchdown......if we do it, you have to hold on, incase i jump inside something....if you let go and were insomething....." she trails off, "But...y..yeah...somewhere they wont see.......or...." she looks to someone heavily armed, "Do people in this world have grenades?

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Altor says. "That thing was supposed to be ready to kill Comorro.. the Nall ships were conveniently off elsewhere... and now we're sitting in a damn metal tube with Nalls out there probably expecting us to come out any second."

Akamatsu looks around and asks everyone "Alright but should we take care of these guys first? I may not be the world's leading tactician but if I were them I'd have them everywhere in the junk maze too. I have a sneakign suspicion we are going to be fighting them no matter where we go."

Tiana Ryoleli keeps mumbling over comms, presumably to Rillitan.

"Puckstopper: So, we jus' gonna stay up 'ere squatchsnuggin' 'til we all get boomsticked?" queries Hal'gus over the comms, who can be heard muttering through his clothing as the group stays cooped up in the vents, waiting for something.

"It would be nice to light the bottom area with some nades'" Raicon ignores the backwater accent as he knows discharging a firearm in this position will get them all killed. For now all he can do is wait as he closes his eyes and wishes himself back to his time. At best, he can get a quick nap while everyone scrambles and panics until someone can come up with a solution.

"If this is a trap and they're waiting for us then they've obviously got something special planned," Raisa takes note quietly. "We might want to back out this way and find another way in, where we aren't dropping from the ceiling and leaving ourselves open to attack."

"I'd find out if Comorro knows about this or not... since it's down here, she'd have no choice but to believe them, but if she knows it's a dud, she might be able to kick some ass." Altor says.

Akamatsu looks as if he's had a brilliant idea and asks "Anybody here who is psionic happen to be able to set things on fire? I can make something close to an explosive with this jug and a peice of my coat. All I need is some fire.'

"Look," asherak insists to the group, "Give me a bundle of grenades, bind them so i can throw them all at once.....Ill jump to the center of the room, drop the grenades, then fall up to the ceiling. If it goes well, ill run to safety, then begin jumping back here to ferry people about, but its dangerous to jump somewhere ive never seen....Im quick, i can get out of dodge if i need to." she sighed, "We cant sit here till they find us, we have to make a choice..."

"How about I bubble the bastards in?" Kallyn suggests lightly, "It works both ways, after all..."

"Kid, if you take a bunch of grenades down there, you're liable to blow us up too," Raisa notes with a sigh. "Tia, make a call. We need to not be sitting in this vent much longer. They're eventually going to hear us and then we're all just going to be sitting ducks."

With their commander off investigating the commotion outside the chamber, the Nall around the missile start mumbling amongst themselves. One of them takes aim at the vent, peering through the sight of his pistol. Plasma blasts go off outside. Apparently, he figures one more gun shot won't be noticed. So he fires at the vent, causing an eruption of sparks in front of Tiana as the blast strikes nearby.

"Puckstopper: GOATBUGGIN' PARDCATS!" calls Hal'gus at the blast, shaking his head. His first preference will be to retreat and get away from all the crazy Biggeruns. If the Biggeruns are too...Big to retreat, he will instead venture forward to find some other stealthy outlet to get the hell out of the vents.

Akamatsu jumps as the blast hits the vent and says to Tiana "Ok I like any plan that gets us out of here. Lets just do it quickly."

Volidana notes "Looks like decision time is about over folks. If someone can get me a clear view of the shooter I can give him something else imaginary to shoot at, but you gotta let me know where i'm useful

"For fuck's sake," Kallyn backs up some so the others in front of her have room to duck, "Let's just wing it."

The blast opens Raicon's eyes as the time to act is near. Getting back into crawling position, he waits at the ready to either drop down or get the hell out of there.

Over comms, to everyone: "Folks, ye' might guess but we're changin' plans. Vadim an' I are movin' t' you folks now, engage them on Tia's orders. Altor, feel free t' do a sweep of t' docking hub wi' Fauze an' try an' get t' Nall distracted, t' bomb's a red fish. Jus' make sure t' warships ain't sittin' around waitin' t' surprise us some."

"All ah ye - quiet." Tia commands, "Raisa - ye c'n snipe from up 'ere an' lay us down coverin' fire. Ash - ah want ye t'take folk down, drop 'em off as quick as ye c'n in random spots wot're close enough to engage t'Nall - and for Lin's bloody sake, make sure 'ey's facin' t'Nall from t'word go. Kallyn, provide cover where ye c'n, Dana - Ye do what ye c'n too, an' stick near someone wot c'n keep /ye/ covered. Rest ah ye? Don' bloody die."

"Oh, hell," Raisa mutters but nods. "Got it, Tia." She hefts the rifle in her hand. "Soon as they're out, I'll take up position at the top of the vent." The Lunite takes in a breath, one hand reaching down to clasp at the chain around her neck. "Let's hope something of Mal rubbed off on me..." she murmurs to herself.

As soon as she hears the order, Ash extends her arms and stretches out her legs, "A..alright....Everyone for the first trip grab on. This is gonna be a bumpy ride...Im going to fall through the vent, and as soon as i can see, jump. Ill make several short term jumps. Each time someone has to let go, because i dont want to be a sitting target....Once i drop the last person, im going to fall up, then try to get back here to make the next round...but its gonna be rough...and it might not go so hot...." she said looking about......"Tia....when your ready" she whimpered

Altor backs down the vent towards the hatch into space, pushes out into Zero-G and begins to make his way along Comorro's exterior to the docking bay.

Akamatsu puts away his gun and takesout his swords grabbing Asherak and says "Ready get me close enough for melee."

Tiana Ryoleli grabs hold of Ash super f'ing tight. Go go go

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -2. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -2. The result is 5.

Ash grabed onto Tia's wrist, and winced, her and Tia blinking out of existance, the feeling of being pulled and pushed in every direction, a lack of 'up'. Then, falling in every direction at once, It was like being in a roller coaster in zero G. Suddenly it all lurched to a stop, asherak blinking out with Tia again before landing behind a pile of 'ubiquitous debris' impacting a Nall on the landing. Asherak whimpered in a panic, letting go of Tia once she was safe.

"Ohh my fuck!!!" Raicon just watches as two beings just poof right in front of him. It would appear magic is a possibility in this world. A deep swallow is given as he looks to the others, "Is this the only way down?"

Akamatsu waits with his blades out for Asherak to come back and says to the rest of the group and says "I want the next ride down."

The Nall around the missile are rather surprised to see two Outversers popping into existence - none as much as the one whose snout gets bonked by the foot of the female teleporter. He stumbles back, using his tail to balance himself, and then he points at her, shouting: "That one! We want *her*! Matchessss picture!" The other Nall swing their snouts around so they can gaze at Asherak. One of them growls: "Try to take her alive."

Safe is really rather relative in this situation. Safe enough will have to suffice. Not only a bit disoriented from the crash landing, the experience hasn't left Ti in the most... stable of moods. Though it does go well with a healthy dose of Nall murdering desire. Climbing quickly to her feet, the Martian reaches up to grab at her shotgun, preparing to take a shot.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -2. The result is 7.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -2. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of -2. The result is 9.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 2.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics skill at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

One of the Nall squeezes off a plasma blast at Asherak as she tries to blink away. The bolt just misses as she disappears.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

Kallyn's eyes widen and streak yellow-orange as she hears the Nall bark. "ASH!" she calls, "Get back, go!" She seems to be itching to get out there where she can help.

Asherak whimpers as she see's the Nall take aim, blinking out hard. She appears back into the Vent and grabs onto Gus in a panic, blinking back out with him in tow, again, its a nauseating ride of non existance followed by an abrupt stop and go, before she sets gus down again in, where she /thinks/ is a good tactical position for the warrior. As she touches down, she whimpers holding her head, dryheaving just for a moment. It wasnt that she couldnt handle all the jumping, but the stress on top of it....and the rough trips didnt help. After a moment she calmed, and braced her self for the next trip!

Tiana Ryoleli is the prettiest little goddess of death you ever did see! Or so it would seem as her shotgun raises up, and one loud, echoing shot rings out. Take no prisoners it seems as, in a gorey display of blood, bone and brain, the Nall gets half his head blown off and Tia gets a new look - gore covered.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

Now that the coast is clear, Raisa wiggles her way up to the vent and with concentration, takes aim at the Nall that just shot Tiana. Once her weapon is charged up, she squeezes the trigger.

Hal'gus is somehow admiring his nails through his mitts when someone reaches out and grabs him. If there were an expression to show he might show one of surprise, but he is whisked away by the psionic to the ground floor. Assault rifle at the ready, a green light flashes on the unit as the slugthrower is levelled at the Nalls that Tiana is firing upon. A mitted finger reaches to squeeze off a round of rifle fire at the offending Nalls, when given the opportunity.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -3. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -3. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Raisa tests her Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of +2. The result is 3.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

The Nall that shot at Tiana is missed as Raisa's shot goes wide left - and just barely misses Akamatsu. Maybe it was accidental. The Nall turns and aims his pistol toward the vent, hoping to shoot the sniper.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of -3. The result is 3.

[Skill System] Raisa tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

At present, there's only two people down on the ground with the Nall. The first is Tiana, who seems to be near a pile of rubbish with a few Nall trying to get some shots in. Hal'gus has just been dropped off too, and the wee little man is working up some powerful battle muster. Everyone else is either in the vent, or mid-jump with Asherak.

[Skill System] Hal'gus tests his Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

Asherak braces her self, and jumps up into the air, there was a 'Shoop' and she was gone, rifting into reality in the vent, she whimpers and grabs onto the two closest people, Akamatsu and .....Raicon! She grabs on as tight as possible, and jumps, the naeusiating disorientation, the sudden stop, then again more sudden velocity as she blinks out looks about, then reappears on the deck, droping Akamatsu and Raicon off. The girl wasnt happy, eyes bloodshot, nose bloodied as she touched down, spiting more onto the hardtop. She whimpered holding her head leaning over. She was pushing harder then she ever remembered. Unused to passenger travel, let alone so much so suddenly, non stop.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics skill at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics skill at a modifier of -1. The result is 7.

One of the Nall draws a bead on Asherak, taking careful aim despite the chaos as she moves to make another jump. The plasma blast hammers her in the leg, wounding her and making it impossible to concentrate on further jumps. She's also going to be limited in movement, which is great for the trio of Nall who are now moving to get the quarry that this entire enterprise was built around.

Hal'gus's marksmanship is far better than one might assume of a mysterious midget, the Halaghi holding the assault rifle steady as a burst of fire rings out toward one of the Nall attacking Tiana. The poor scaley fellow doesn't stand a chance, shrapnel ripping through flesh and bone as he falls to the ground in a heap. Hal'gus maintains his focus on the incoming enemy fire, slowly edging toward cover as he catches the next Nall in his sights. The trigger is pulled once more, another hail of gunfire thrown toward the Nall.

Raicon Squirms a bit as he gets grabbed by Ash. "Oh shit..." as they teleport, Raicon takes a second to get his bearing as he notices the wounded Ash. "Shit..." Raicon moves to aid her trying to help her get to cover. Hopefully somebody would cover fire for them as he tries to take her someplace safe from fire.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of -2. The result is 6.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of -2. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of +2. The result is 9.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Tiana Ryoleli's tactic is to step back as she cocks her shotgun, ejecting one cartridge and loading another, the weapon kept threateningly levelled at the nearest Nall. And by threateningly, we mean she's taking a shot at the nearest one.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

"Damn it, damn it," Kallyn stresses as she's stuck up in the vent with no way out, "Bloody shades..." In a desperate bid to get down to help with the commotion below, the woman focuses her telekinetic ability on trying to tear a hole out of the side of the vent that she can try to climb through.

Akamatsu arrives from the teleport blades at the ready in front of three Nall. He gets revenge for the burn on his chest two Nall at a time it seems and stabes one in the face with his wakizashi and slices open the other's stomach. When the third shoots at him he barely manages to move in time but makes it out unscathed.

Watching the third continue to make his way towards them, He drops to one knee and aims the iron sights carefully towards the neck. Not sure how this rifle handles, should he be off by a few inches, he should either get a head shot or a torso hit. "Get behind some cover!" He yells towards Ash.

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of -2. The result is 7.

The Nall targeted by Raicon takes a shot in the head. He goes down in a twitching heap, no longer a threat to Asherak or Akamatsu. That leaves five Nall in the missile chamber. Well, six, if you count the Soth who is walking in behind an unaware Tiana and raising his weapon to shoot her in the back. Honorable? No. But it might work.

Oh Tia, why'd you subject yourself to something you /knew/ you really wouldn't like? With a wild look in her eyes, a bit of mental strain showing around the edges, the girl once more splatters herself in a shower of Nall blood and bits that have been torn asunder. The bad part is how, in a disturbing little way, she kinda seems to be enjoying herself.

"Oops," Raisa murmurs as she nearly takes down Akamatsu. She clears her throat. "Focus, Raisa..." She takes aim at the Nall coming up behind Tiana and fires.

[Skill System] Raisa tests her Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of +2. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Asherak cries out in anguish as the shot rips through her leg, she cant think for a bit, white hot, pain, searing....its her world, then after a moment...the frenzy of battle settles back in and she looks around wide eyed, trying to put her thoughts in order desperatly, trying to move to safety, but its hard with her leg damaged, she cant think, cant focus, crying in agony she just grips her leg and trys not to pass out.

Crawling through the vents, Vadim himself coming up on the laying down form of Raisa. Streaching out beside her, he takes a look out across the battle going on. "Well, privet, good lookin." he notes, reaching back to pick out one of his pistols. "So, heard all this is going to pot, da?"

[Skill System] Kallyn tests her Psionics + Telekinetics at a modifier of -1. The result is 13.

Kallyn manages to rip the vent free. Raisa's shot misses the Nall behind Tiana. However, it does offer some warning to Tiana that trouble is creeping up behind her. So, she'll have the chance to turn and face him while the other five are going after Akamatsu, Raicon, and Asherak.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 3.

Somebody with telepathic powers is a high valued commodity. Raicon's shot hits true as he sighs. Not bad for his first bullet. Watching the other five going after him, he cannot help but continue to fire upon them as he aims for another one carefully before depressing the trigger, aiming at the next hoping for the same successful shot.

[Skill System] Hal'gus tests his Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 3.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

Akamatsu after the Nall that tried to attack him is shot turns his attention to the 5 forming a circle and lops one of their heads off rather cleanly. That wild eyed look is back in his eyes to anybody actually looking.

"Oi." Rillitan grunts, moving up at the very rear behind Kallyn, "You mind tellin' me what t' gorram is goin' on?"

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Ranged + Projectile Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

The circled Nall make an easier target and shrapnel from the direction of the Halaghi fly through the air to mow down yet another Nall in the group. Tinted goggles light up from the muzzle flashes as the assault continues, quickly becoming a slaughter as the Nall are cut down one after another. Hal'gus holds his ground, firing another burst of shots into the diminishing group of Nall.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

The Nall shot at by Raicon dodges the attack by dropping and rolling. His pistol arm flops on the floor before squeezing off a shot at the human.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

"Oh, hello, love," Raisa greets of Vadim. "Mind taking over for me? My eyes apparently don't work well from such a distance." She all but shoves the rifle into the Ungstiri's hands and wiggles back to give him some room. "Damn missile was a fake and now we're fighting for our lives, Rill. That weird little girl teleported almost everyone down to try and take out the Nall. It's a work in progress." Despite shots going off everywhere, the Lunite maintains a conversational tone.

Apparantly riding the edges of psionic related mental snappage makes Tia incredibly aware of her surroundings. Raisa's shot zips past, the Martian's head turning slightly to follow the bullet's projectile. This, of course, nets her sight of the Nall trying to come up behind her. Quickly she swings around, one foot swinging back to brace her stance as the gun is cocked, and the walking suitcase is shot near point-blank in the chest. There's yet another splatter of gore to go around, the hole that's left in the Nall's chest really quite gaping and grotesque. And Mrs. Ryoleli? She's quite covered in blood of her enemies. /Quite/ covered.

Vadim trades Raisa for the rifle with his pistol just so she's not defensless. "Da, is that so? Heard about the fake bomb. Honestly, we should've known better. At this point, as much as I hate to admit it, trusting Outversers is kinda our only option. I'm thinking that Lotorian we talked to probably made a deal with the Nall. But whatever, if that's true....we'll deal with that when Nall isn't crawling over this place." Shouldering the weapon, he takes a bead on the neartest lizard, squeezing the trigger.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 14.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

[Skill System] Vadim tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Kallyn tests her Psionics + Telekinetics at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Akamatsu sees the Nall point the gun at Raicon and not thinking too hard it would seem blocks the blast with a leg and brings down his katana slicing a standing Nall in half across the x-axis.

The side of the vent tears open with a horrid rending noise, the Aukami's eyes burning blood red as she slips out of the vent and drops into the fray. She drops down into a crouch, mentally tossing aside the material like so much garbage. She narrows her eyes, growling, and charges headlong into the fray. The mouse symbol on the cover of her tome is pressed, and a shimmering energy shield comes into being. As the woman dashes, she extends her whip-hand forward and encloses a protective Force bubble around Asherak to keep the Nall away from her.

[Skill System] Hal'gus tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

[Skill System] Tiana Ryoleli tests her Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

[Skill System] Rillitan tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

[Skill System] Rillitan tests his Ranged + Energy Weapons at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Brody tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

As Raicon sees the blast headed right towards him, Akamatsu saves him in the nick of time. "Takes pal I owe you one..." His words of course are drowned by the katana kill that splatters its liquids all over the place. Standing up now, Raicon sweeps behind the samurai with his rifle in case anything else pops up.

"WHUT IN MAZA'S NA-!" Rillitan shouts as the wall of the vent he was previously using to push himself forward renders outwards and his rifle slips forward as he attempts to stop himself from falling out. A shot rings out. The Timonae curses. A Nall falls dead on the floor.

Vadim peeks away from looking out of his scope as the bolt goes cleaning through a Nall's head, it's body crumpling on the ground. "Ahhh, haven't done that in awhile. That hoop never gets old." Casually clicking the saftey back on, he takes note of no more living Nall in the area. "Looks like I'm late like usual. Well, now that we're here, so do they, so it's probably going to get a little more interesting." No more living Nall *in the cavern*. But there's a distinct noise coming from the direction of the Forgotten Quarter. Sounds like more might be coming.

Asherak was on the ground within the shield crying, clutching her leg. She didnt look good, blood was running down her face from her nose, some of it was on her shirt, and her small leg had a sizable hole in it by comparison, blood pooling slowly under her leg. She wasnt in the best condition, and likely want running anywhere any time soon. For the moment, she truely looked like an injured helpless girl, not some psionic creation....

Raisa's fingers brush lightly along Vadim's neck absently. "Nice shot," she muses. She wiggles a little to look over her shoulder. "You okay, Rill?" she asks. The noise makes her frown. "Maybe we should call this party a wash and give it another try on another day?" she suggests. "When some overgrown raccoon isn't giving us bad intel."

With the Nall momentarily taken care of, Kallyn drops the bubble and skids into place beside the fallen Asherak. "I should have never let you come along," she laments as she digs through her medical satchel for supplies and sets about quickly attending to the girl's wound so that she can be moved.

As the coast is clear, Raicon opens his makeshift medikit as he drops to one knee in front of Akamatsu leg. "Stay Still and let me fix this up real quick before more come!" He begins to work fast and diligently on the minor wound to keep it from bleeding out.

More Nall? Hal'gus lowers his rifle as he glances toward the Forgotten Quarter. He makes his way toward the junk maze, seeking to hide himself away in the rubbish pile.

Asherak whimpered as Kallyn got near, "I..I can.......c.c.ant .g..g.g" she grunted a surge of electricity running down her arm discharging harmlessly into the air, "Ngh i ..i cant jump..I..I cant jump it hurts too much!" she yelped fearfully, "I.I cant...I cant get us out of here" she whimpered "Im so sorry!"

[Skill System] Kallyn tests her Medicine + Field Medicine at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Medicine + First Aid at a modifier of 0. The result is 0.

Akamatsu hears the woman yell and swears "Dammit! This just isn't fair is it?" The first sentence directed to nobody in particular the second to Raicon as he tries fixing his leg.

Tiana Ryoleli looks up at the sound of Rillitan's voice, the gunshot and the cacophany of noise from a falling, partially metallic Timonae. The wild look in her eyes remains as she makes a dash towards her husband's position.

[Skill System] Rillitan tests his Agility + Gymnastics at a modifier of -4. The result is 1.

The shouting for more enemies entering the area flusters Raicon's attempt to patch up the bleeding Akamatsu, "Shit we need to hide somewhere and fast!" Searching for a good spot to slip away, he stands and looks about him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Kallyn says firmly as she works, poly-jointed fingers moving deftly as she disinfects and binds the girl's leg, and shoots her up with a local anaesthetic. "Shut up," she tells the girl as she gets whispered to, "I told you, I'm expendable. Death is just going home to me, sacrificing yourself for /me/ is nothing noble. Shut up and hold still, I'm getting you out of here one way or another." She looks up, then, and shakes her head. "No time, no time..." Another force wall is raised to block the Nall off and buy everyone mroe time to hide and such.

Raisa clears her throat, "Uh... hey, guys. How do Rill and I get down there without breaking out necks?" she chirps down at the people on the floor.

"No love," Rillitan replies, taking a moment to secure his rifle, "We push forward t'day. If we leave now we might not get another chance t' get their guard down." The call is observed, "So much f'r that." Comms open, "Tiana, try and figure out who that was. Everyone else, move the wounded and get into cover. Red head, can you catch?"

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics skill at a modifier of -2. The result is 0.

[Skill System] Asherak tests her Psionics + Psychoportating at a modifier of -2. The result is 3.

The cavern in the middle of the junk maze has a 45-foot-tall Coreseeker missile standing in the middle of it. Around the missile, one will see roughly a dozen dead Nall corpses. The floor is slick with their blood. There are several Outversers packing weapons, some wounded, some dangling from a vent about 60 feet up.

Rachael arrives from Forgotten Quarter.
From a distance, a small human woman runs in the general direction of the coreseeker missile. Sure, she's being chased by twenty rather irritated Nall at the moment, and sure she's mired with dirt, some blood, and more than an unpleasant look of irritation, but she still retains her gimmick in full: Pair of swords, short, and a vaguely black robe-like thing on.

The story continues in Comorro Liberation Effort: Part 2!