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[[category:Logs That Include MCV Olympus]][[category:Logs That Include Akazar]][[category:Logs That Include Rillitan]][[category:Logs That Include Tiana Ryoleli]][[category:Logs That Include Raisa]][[category:Logs That Include Kallyn]][[category:Logs That Include Asherak]][[category:Logs That Include Altor]][[category:Logs That Include Raicon]][[category:Logs That Include Vadim]][[category:Logs That Include Akamatsu]][[category:Logs That Include Volidana]][[category:Logs That Include Clankritich]][[category:Logs That Include Hal'gus]][[category:Logs of Staffer-Run Events]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = It's A Trap!
|title = It's A Trap!

Latest revision as of 16:54, 23 February 2012

It's A Trap!

Summary: As those aboard the Olympus attempt to plan a rescue, Lord Akazar manages to contact them through an open channel to deliver information but all is not as it seems.

Cast: Rillitan, Tiana, Raisa, Kallyn, Asherak, Altor, Raicon, Vadim, Akazar, Akamatsu, Volidana, Clankritich, Hal’gus

Air Date: Fri May 13 18:43:36 2653

Setting: Recreation Hall – <Olympus>

Originally an area for the ship’s crew to get a while from their duties for a chance to relax, the rather sparse looking room has seen better days. Apparently, the owner of this ship didn’t expect it’s crew to do much relaxing, the room itself consists of a half circle of couches surrounding a holo-player set within the wall. A set of overstuffed chairs are opposite that, a small table in the middle with a stack of holos, their labels all written in Hekayan.

A pool table now occupies some of the open space, but there is still an uncomfortable lifelessness in the decor.

Contents: Exits:
Rillitan and Tiana <O> Out

This room? This is no longer the Recreation Hall, now it’s the War Room. Rillitan is sat, having left the Mess Hall a while ago, with as much information about the Nall as he can properly get.

Tiana Ryoleli is milling about restlessly, waiting for WAR!

Raisa arrives from the Port Corridor.
In wanders Raisa, in the process of pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “Making plans?” she asks lightly.

“As best I can.” Rillitan drawls, “Tiana, we got any schematics of Comorro ‘erself?”

“Should be some in t’main database. Er.” That’s a big database, Tia! “Lemme find ‘em fer ya, love.”

“How’s the leg, Rill?” Raisa asks wandering up beside the Timonae. “Not gonna crap out on us right when we need you, I hope.”

“Actually?” Rillitan pulls up, giving his lower back a slight stretch for comfort, “Not too bad. Wouldn’t want anyone t’ kick me there but I can move witho’ pain.”

Tiana Ryoleli meanders over towards Rillitan, the girl bringing up a holographic screen as she’s wont to do. After a few minutes of searching through the Olympus’ files, she brings up schematics of Comorro’s interior

“What kind of attack are we planning?” Raisa asks, peering at the schematics. “Hell, how are we even planning to /board/ Comorro without just getting blown out of the water?”

“By what?” Rillian queries Raisa.

Kallyn arrives from the Port Corridor.
Kallyn hangs onto Asherak lightly as she slips in and listens to the planning. She doesn’t comment, just yet.

Asherak arrives from the Port Corridor.
After a short time, Asherak seemed to follow Kallyn into the room, nervously moving to stand beside her, griping her hand nervously.

The rec room has been turned into a war planning room, and right now Rillitan’s heading up the plans. Tia’s just dug up some schematics of Comorro’s interior, which are on display upon some holographic screens, “Hm.” Tia murmurs, not exactly answering Raisa’s question.

Raisa rocks back on her heels, tucking her hands into her back pockets. “If I remember correctly, there were a bunch of warships floating just outside of Comorro,” she replies. “And they might take offense if we come knocking on their door without an invitation.”

Asherak looks to Raisa nervously, moving to get a better look at the schematics, trying to understand what she can.

Altor clanks his way into the room and squats down behind the group to listen in, his optics taking a glance at the schematics being displayed.

Raicon arrives from Port Corridor.
What seems to be a drifter, Raicon enters the room out of curiosity, trying to put the pieces together of this period in which he had lost himself in. He had no idea what was going on at the moment, but the discussions in this room would prove to be useful should he just sat back and listen. A deep sigh is given as he comes into easedropping, the words and sentences hard to make out with new worlds and concepts about which he had only read in sci-fi novels back home. Slowly circling what seemed to be the planning commitee, he finally finds his place against a wall, leaning back, trying to salvage the conversation around him.

“I’d like to avoid the war ships.” Rillitan grunts, “Get straight on Comorro if we can do it.”

“We’s allus been sneaky buggers like ‘at, Raisa.” Tia offers to the Lunite with a small, reassuring smile. Jade eyes slide over to Rill after a moment, “‘Ere aught else ye need from t’database while m’at i’?”

Raisa nods and frowns, “Think she’ll help us out at all, or should be just not count on anything but resistance?” She scowls as she looks around. “How many of us going in?” There is a pause as the Lunite’s eyes slide over Raicon. “Uh… can we help you with something?” she asks. “Now ain’t the time for a tour, kid.”

“Refugees got t’ craft hall,” Rillitan comments to one side at Raicon’s entrance, “Unless you got somethin’ for us to fight the Nall with, you don’t really need t’ be here.” He looks back to the display, where Tiana has brought Comorro’s schematics up, “On t’ ground, we should be alright. The Laughin’ Fox weaponized at all?”

“Fox’s got a few guns on ‘er, she does.” Tia offers with a smile, kiss pressed to Rillitan’s cheek quick and sneaky like, “She were built mostly fer speed, ah think, though.”

Raicon had the urge to start using his disparaging comments he had learned to crutch on since landing on this hell hole of a world. As his facial expression tenses up, he bites his lip for a second before doing the right thing, “I aint on a tour miss, tours eventually end and I don’t think I can leave this…world.” Raicon continues as his frustration shows through the tone of his voice, “Some kid told me I was a rifter, and since then, I’ve been trying to piece out where the hell I am and what is going on around me.” The pilot crosses his arms, “I won’t be in your way, I just want a little piece of mind on what is going on around here, at least you can give me that?” His expression is now a look of desperation, a man whom seemed to lost his way.

“I can contribute to defense,” Kallyn offers up lightly, “Once we’ve landed, that is. If you all don’t mind taking cover behind force walls you can see through.”

Altor’s voice comes through on a nearby terminal. “Welcome to the club buddy.” it says. “I’ve got an idea on the plan for getting in. If we can sneak in, fine and dandy, but if not, I’ve got a few aerial maneuvers that’ll be guaranteed to get their eyes off Comorro and on me for at least a few minutes. I’m more than willing to be the bait, then once we’re in, I’ll make a break for the bay.”

Asherak pondered slightly “You need a way into the station? Without being seen?” she asked strangly, “Well…the fastest way in is Jumping….if a spaceship can get close enough…..

“Quite a sob story, kid,” Raisa replies shortly to Raicon, shrugging. She gestures around the room. “Most of us here were dragged through a rift and put in this place. Get used to it. We’re in the middle of trying to plan an attack on a station so…” She casts a glance over her shoulder at the man. “If you have any combat experience, input would be useful. If you want a pity party, I’d try a different room.” She looks back to Tiana and Rillitan, frowning. “On the ground, I think we could have a shot if we can find enough cover. Again, I’m just worried about /getting/ into Comorro. But hey, I’ll leave that to professional pilots,” she adds with a grin.

“Right, no that’s good. We don’t want to engage the damned fleet, we just want to get Comorro.” Rillitan nods, looking at the terminal, “Altor, I hope we don’t need t’ do that, personally. We don’t stand much hope o’ gettin’ out o’ that, if their fleet is sittin’ defense.” He grins Asherak, “That assumes we ‘ave to jump to Commorro, right. Tia, ‘ow hard is it t’ mask a jump location?”

Asherak shook her head “No…no I mean….a Jump…if we can get close to the station…we can jump from a ship…to the docking station….Right?” she said turning to Kallyn “It could work…honest…”

“… Ash, are you sure you want to be part of this?” Kallyn peers over at the girl with a slight frown of concern, “It’s going to be intense in there. We might not make it out alive.” She rubs her chin, then, “Leaves the issue of getting back out if we need to, the ship can’t just hang around once we’re in.”

“Well…you have giant robots and spaceships…do you have those…invis..CLOAKS! cloaking devices for ships? Couldnt you just like…..hide one?” Asherak says.

“A pity party is always fun.” A smirk comes across his face as he approaches the table, “Well considering you guys have spaceships and new technology, my assessments might be a little rough around the edges.” Raicon cracks a smile to the committee around the table, “Just a little..” Placing his hands on the table, he leans forward and gives his two cents, “We need Air superiority first and foremost..” He shakes his head as he missed something, “And space superiority…” He sweeps his hand across the table, You get a ground crew, and air support for heavy artillery in the area, if played smart, you can intergrate the two to win the ground fight.”

“Hurr. ‘At depends on ‘eir systems an’ positions- Ah c’n ‘ack in an’ give ‘em false readins, but if ‘ere’s a lot of ‘em i’ becomes an awful lot ‘arder.” Tia offers to Rillitan with a frown. Asherak doesn’t get a response as Tia instead focuses on Raicon, “Uh huh… ‘Is ain’t planet side, boyo. Comorro’s a space station. Space an’ ground – only two.”Any way you could hack into Comorro’s systems to see if we can learn anything, Tia?” Raisa inquires, glancing across to the other woman. “I’d personally love to know what kind of defenses they’ve got around her, and in her. Know if we’re walking to our deaths or maybe just a couple more scars.”

“What she said,” Rillitan nods to Raisa, looking at Tiana, “S’all good speculatin’ about this but we need more information ’bout what’s goin’ on. Can we do tha’ remotely, love?” he glances across to Kallyn, “C’mere an’ tell me ’bout these ‘force walls’.”

Kallyn steps in a bit further, “It’s a telekinetic effect. Pretty simple in concept – I make an invisible barrier, and you can shoot around it. It provides cover the same as any physical barrier, except I can make any simple unbroken shape that we need, and can raise and lower it at will when we have to regroup.” She rubs her chin, “I can’t make it one-way, unfortunately, and as with any cover the bits that you stick around to shoot with will still be exposed. But it’s better than having to heft around crates or something.”

Vadim enters from the Port Corridor.
Always late to the party, but never trendy, a plucky Ungstiri steps through the portal to the expansive. The President of the Orion Confederacy would not miss something like for the world, even if it might get him impeached, no blue dresses involved. Chewing on a burning cigarette, he manages a light way before stepping through the hatchway. “Privet. I didn’t miss the big shindig, did I?”

Asherak began to look more and more nervous, the more people that came in, the less….’calm’ she seemed, some of her hair seeming just a tad frizzy, she began pacing, looking about nervously.

Raisa shifts to give Kallyn a quick once over before speaking. “What about a bubble effect? And how detailed can this thing get? Like could you give us holes to shoot from, or is it going to be one solid wall with no breaks in it?” She frowns, tapping a foot against the floor. “What about weapons for us, Rill? What are your stores looking like? I’d personally like to be heavily armed. Last time was all on the fly, and we grabbed whatever we could which probably didn’t help in our defense.” She shifts and gives Vadim a grin. “Somehow I knew you wouldn’t stay out of this. Making sure I don’t get myself killed this time, babe?”

A holoemitter “message waiting” telltale flashes on a panel on the bulkhead of the recreation hall.

Message! Well, Tia’s on the case, wireless link up sending the message right to her noggin, through some nerve impulses and down to display on the holographic screens hovering above the conference table.

“No breaks,” Kallyn replies to Raisa, “And I can make a bubble, but you wouldn’t be able to shoot out of it. Would have to use that for a retreat or something.” She looks back to Asherak and offers her hand back to the girl. “If you can’t handle a crowded room, you’re not likely to handle real combat. Are you /sure/ you want to be a part of this?”

“That’s good.” Rillitan nods to Kallyn, “But if we can get cover, we’ll use it. No point wastin’ your talent on somethin’ that we won’t be sure about where t’ stay. You cover people when they’re maneuverin’, too, y’understand?” He glances at the holoscreen, “Oi, everyone, quiet.”

“I…I can help…….I have to be strong…” Asherak said softly, looking about. “I…” she held her head, “And I……I dunno..I feel….like…mabie i can handle this…”

“Da, you could say something like that.” Vadim replies, stepping forward to Raisa’s side. “I do have to apologize, but I couldn’t get Confederacy backing in this. They don’t want to get involved just yet. Which means to me that they won’t be until the hoopin Nall are at our damn doorstep. So nyet Confederate Fleet or help from the New Phyrrian Enclave. I did try though. The Senate knows I’m pissed about it. So pending I live through things, they can fire me if they want.” With his dual pistols, he also carries a rifle, which is unlung and handed to the Lunite. “You need something like this? Brought it just in case, but I perfer my babies.” After that, he too goes silent for the holoviewer.

The image begins to coalesce above the conference table: The shadowy face of a Lotorian, crackling green night vision pixels apparently. He smiles, revealing a couple of gold teeth. “Ah, someone *is* listening. I am Lord Akazar. If you have any affection for the Yaralu, well, I recommend that you act soon. The Nall have installed a bomb aboard her. Called it a Coreseeker. They’re using that to make sure that she does what they want her to do.”

“Coreseeker? Ohhhh shit.” Altor’s voice says from the terminal. “These guys are playing for keeps..”

“How is it set off?” Rillitan replies to the hologram.

Asherak blinked at the hologram, “No way….COOL!” she said tugging on Kallyn’s arm, “Look look” she said excitedly pointing at it.

As Raicon is giving his free advice, for whatever it is worth, the chatter amongst them totally undermined his input. “Well seeing as you all have it figured out, may I ask who you are fighting, and what you are fighting for?” As the image comes to life, Raicon stands there dumbfounded as he examines the message, more intrigued about the technology than it’s message.

“The Nall overseer has a detonator,” Akazar says, fangs clacking together. “My scouts say he is holed up in the navigation vestibule, well guarded. The missile is stashed in the Forgotten Quarter where she can’t get to it. It has about ten Nall guarding it. Presumably, it can be disarmed. If you can take that power away from the Nall, I suspect that the Yaralu can deal with the rest. The warships are off causing trouble somewhere else.”

“Well, ‘at answers somm’t.” Tia murmurs to herself, looking sidelong to Rill, “If ‘e c’n send out, ‘en ah c’n send m’self in, aye?” One hand reaches over to slide across Rillitan’s back, green eyes shifting to the nefarious image of Akazar.

“Thanks,” Raisa replies, accepting the rifle and tucking it under one arm. She leans in close to Vadim as the holo appears and sighs. “We’re never allowed to win one, are we?” She glances over to Tiana. “Can you dismantle the Coreseeker if we can get you to it?”

“That’s a relief, getting in won’t be as hard as we thought, but we’ll have to be damn quick. We don’t want that hissing bastard to set off the missile. That thing can rip planets apart, Comorro wouldn’t have a chance.” Altor’s voice says.

Vadim audibly hisses at the mention of a Coreseeker, he, as an Ungstiri, know about those far too well than he’d like to admit. “Fucking Nall.” he spits out. “We’re going to have to split up.” he mutters. “Not something I like to do, but we’ll have to hit both sides at once.” he observes, glancing to Tia. “You’re the hacker, Tia. Think you can deactivate it?”

“Whatcha thinkin’, Tia? Hack their observation consoles?” Rillitan quirks a brow at Vadim.

“I can get you directly to the room with the missile,” Akazar states, leaning close to the camera so that just his patchy right eye glints in the image. “Frontal assault is suicide. If you attack the docking hub, they’ll detonate. You won’t be able to fight your way down here.

“You /really/ don’t get out much,” Kallyn muses to Ash, “It’s a holo, hun, they’re all over this ‘verse.” She frowns, then, “I don’t know what a coreseeker is, but that sounds serious. But hey, silver lining, no warships.” She rubs at her chin, and then lowers her voice to Asherak, “Stay close to me, and if things get hairy in there and a retreat is called, you /run/ even if I can’t. You understand me?”

“Er. Not all bombs ‘ave computer cores. Uh.” Tia blinks between Raisa and Vadim, the girl’s interest in explosives obviously not high, “Er. Altor? Tell m’more ’bout t’coreseeker?” She looks to Rillitan, “Yeh, observation. C’n keep track ah movements ‘at way.”

Asherak eyed Kallyn, “Hey…If you cant run, Ill hide you in the floor…i can make you safe… you do for me….” she said with a smile, “I….I wont let anything happen to you…” she said with a smirk.

“I only know what I read in Sanctuary’s databanks. They are computer controlled, at least their guidance system to get them to a planet core before they detonate.” Altor’s voice says. “Beyond that, I’m not sure. If they’re anything like the missiles I carry, they have to have some sort of safe mode so they don’t blow while you’re hauling them.”

Rillitan turns away from the others, again looking at Akazar the hologram, “How many can you get in?”

“Da, suppose that’s true. Somehow I always assume something like that would have a computer system in it.” Vadim shrugs. “Doesn’t stop that we’ll need to split into two groups. At this point it just a matter of deciding who should go where.” he notes, nodding an inclination to Rill at his next question.

“If we can’t get in through the docking hub, how do we get aboard?” Raisa asks on the heels of Rillitan.

“That’s up to you,” Akazar replies, stepping back from the camera, glancing over his shoulder, and then looking back at the audience. “Got a duct running to a loose hull plate on Comorro’s central underbelly. Bring whoever you want. Make sure they aren’t too claustrophobic and don’t mind crawling.”

Asherak just turns to eye Rillitan, and smiles turning to the Holo. “How far from the outside of the station to the missile room is it, measured in a straight line?” she asked curiously, getting up on her tippy toes and waving her hand.

“I’m expendable,” Kallyn tells Ash flatly, “If you insist on protecting me, don’t take any more time than you absolutely must. I’ve died before, it’s not so bad.” A lot of people are standing around the Olympus rec room and discussing tactics for raiding Comorro to liberate her from the Nall. Lord Akazar is on the holo, telling the lot about a secret way into the station.

“Oh wonderful, you have terrorists in your era as well.” Raicon sighs as he leans back watching the room, “I’m dead broke, I don’t have a place to sleep come tommarrow, and you clowns are ready to disarm a bomb that is on a space station.” Where there is war, there is opportunity. “I don’t see myself going home soon, so if anyone can give me something to eat, and perhaps a gallon of water, I can assist in this matter.” He reaches in his pocket and throws a Silver pilot badge on the table, “Lt. Williams, 99th Air Wing, weapons school.” He wasn’t sure how much weight it would carry in this room, but he pretended he was god’s gift to these folks. “I can fly and I can shoot…” He pauses and adds, “Well an M16 and a sidearm.”

“Well, ah c’n always git inta t’observation consoles on t’move s’long as ‘ere’s someone t’keep me ‘eaded in t’right direction an’ safe. Get m’down t’the coreseeker an’ i’ll see if’n ah c’n disable i’. Otherwise… uh.” Tia looks to Rill with a slight frown.

Akazar swings his gaze toward Asherak. “Who the burning balls of Plosa is that? Is she in charge? Who am I dealing with here?”

Akamatsu arrives from the Port Corridor.
Akamatsu arrives in the rec hall looking serious announcing “Sorry I’m late.” He is in his full attire again minus armor.

Vadim turns to look at Raicon. “You tovarisch, I could use a good solider like you, nyet matter the timeline. Should we all survive this mess, I can find you a place in my governments military should you be interested in it.” Then going to the viewscreen to Akazar, he shrugs. “I’d say Rill here is the man you want to be talking to. Don’t…” he sideways glance to Asherak. “…huh, I woudln’t pay attention to her.”

Asherak looked to the Holo and shrank slightly, then cleared her throat, “I..uhm…uh..I..My names Asherak .s..s..s.s…sir..” she stammered slightlym, “I…” she lowered her head, “I just thought..mabie i could…help….is all..

“Right,” the Lotorian growls, shifting his attention from Asherak to Rillitan. “So. You’re in charge. Congratulations! The duct’s open. It has an airlock vestibule. Try not to get sucked into space.”

Raisa nudges Vadim lightly with her hip, rolling her eyes. “Don’t encourage the bloated ego, babe,” say says with a shake of her head. Attention goes back to Tiana. “We’ll make sure you don’t run into anything, Ti.” She winks. “If you don’t manage to disarm it, then we all go boom. But at least we’d be taking some of the Nall with us.”

Volidana has arrived.
Volidana follows Akamatsu in quietly.

Rillitan stands up, “Sure am,” he grunts, “An’ Tiana, ‘course.” he aims a hand to indicate Tiana. After a moment he looks down at Asherak, “You, quiet.” he says flatly, “There ain’t no trust on this crew in your talent, gamebreakin’ or not.” He pauses, frowning to himself.

“Tia if we can get you in, and an engineer, we go straight to the bomb and take it out.” He looks to the hologram again, “The Nall disabled Comorro’s security on t’ docking bay, I’d like t’ make sure they’re not a bother,” he says, “Altor, how many do you estimate y’ could take?”

“Based on the weaponry those guys carry, maybe half a dozen at once without getting too banged up.” Altor’s voice says. “More than that and we might be talking a visit to the scrap heap.”

Akamatsu turns to Rillitan and walks in his direction though saying to everyone “Planning on how to get into Comorro I assume?”

Vadim earns a smile from Raicon as his belly grumbles for food. His mission was now simple, “Earn his wings in this life, and start over from scratch as he tries to come up with a plan to get back to his homeworld. “Yes, sir, if we make it out alive I’ll be hunting you down for that offer.” It was a good start as the chaos in the room became silent for the pilot. He really didn’t care for the outcome of this mission save for his life and another chance at it. Like right out of a sci-fi book, he was going into uncharted territory, ready to prove his worth with whatever technology was going to be thrown his way.

Volidana hms “Coreseeker pointed at Olympus?” she asks for clarification

Looking between Rill and Altor, he pauses. “You’re not going to send him in there all on his own?” he ponders. “Look, if you need suckers to make a distraction while you all go and diffuse the bomb, then I guess I’m your sucker. Though maybe I’m just looking for an excuse to shoot some Nall.” As a cavet, he looks back at Raisa. “You don’t need to play sucker with me, babe.”

Clankritich arrives.
Clankritich pushes his way through the rec hall with a crash and clatter of mechanical limbs. The B’hiri pirate is hauling a bundle of ominously gun-shaped objects, and he’s rubbing his fangs together hungrily.

“Righ’. We goan take Bob ‘en?” Tia asks to Rillitan, offering a vague smile over to the holographic image of Akazar.

The Lotorian on the holovid leans close, this time bringing the glittering black left eye into focus just before the image goes to static and then blacks out as the transmission ends.

Asherak pauses and looks to Kallyn, “I just wanna help….” she shrugs “But I dunno how…..”she said looking about, up at all the faces and beings in the room, “Its like something out of a comic book….”

“That was… ominous,” Raisa muses as she transmission ends. “So what’s it gonna be, Rill? We should make a move before Comorro gets tired of occupation and gets blown up.”

Akamatsu looks to the group as a whole before asking “So what exactly is the plan currently? I do hope it involves more than a few dead Nall.” He drinks a bit from his jug at this.

“I know the feeling,” Kallyn nods, “You can help by fighting, and if the fight is lost, living to fight another day. Don’t worry about their unwillingness to trust your abilities, that’s something to be earned later.”

“Looks like.” Rillitan nods back to Tiana before raising his voice, looking at the group, “People, we’re goin’ in on t’ Laughing Fox. We got Varal handin’ out weapons an’ armour at the security point, anyone who can’t take a fuckin’ order can stay behind.” He steps up, in front of the faded holoscreen, “Listen. This ain’t a comic book, we are about to flush a ship full of prick-Nall with prick-guns. We’re gonna ‘ave to move quick t’ defuse that bomb, I don’t want a lone wolf an’ I don’t want t’ hear witty remarks. Your mind is on not bein’ shot. An’ if you were wonderin’, ’cause you were, this ain’t a rescue. This is a reprisal. I want you people mean, get mad. Let’s go.”

“Give me a old fashion gun or a ship with a manual in it and I’ll pitch in.” Raicon looks about as people put their 2 cents in, “Who’s taking point and who am I following should you need my help?” The pilot scans the room waiting for a reply as the chaotic scramble for a force continues.

Docking Bay

Words of Hekayan painted onto the domed walls of this large room designate this area as the Landing Bay. This area is large enough to contain several small ships or a few medium to large sized ships. The domed roof opens up in the middle, allowing ships to exit and enter the ship at a vertical angle to the artificial gravity field, when the massive bay doors are open, two atmospheric shields are raised to contain the vital gasses and pressure in this area. In the case of an emergency, the entire landing bay can be kept in stasis without atmosphere, and anyone inside it at a time like this should hope to be in a space suit. There are large vents littered around the outer wall of the landing bay that serve to both circulate the ships life systems and keep the air of the landing bay clean, preventing the build up of dangerous ship emissions.

Many manual passages run down towards DECK 2 that can be accessed at designated points on the ground floor, but the central service elevator is the main method of transport for large parties of visitors, cargo and anything in need of decontamination. There is a metal framework constructed around this elevator in which large panes of glass open out to allow a 360 view. Hanging from the construct are warning signs marked CAUTION in Hekayan along with necessary decontamination, security equipment and a hand written sign posted on the glass of the door which reads: All who enter here are subject to search.

Altor gets himself into position near the Laughing Fox. “I’ll be right on your all’s tails, just lead the way.” he says.

Altor’s arms begin to fold up and together, forming a forward fuselage and cockpit as his head disappears within. His legs fold back together into a pair of engines, and his wings unfold, leaving a large starfighter in his place.

Rillitan stands at the base of the Laughing Fox while everyone boards, “C’mon people, you can play dress up on the ship!”

Altor gets his engines warmed up as the others board the Fox. “It’s time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I’m all out of gum.” he says as he runs a quick check of his primary systems.

A small humanoid figure – inexplicably covered in black soot and clad in layers of dark leather clothing – has somehow mixed in with the crowd making their way to the docking bay. A matte black assault rifle is slung over his shoulder, an odd sort of thick goatskin balaclava and a billed police-helmet worn over his head and dark-tinted goggles covering his eyes. Standing at a terrifying height of 3 and a half feet, he reports to the fellow barking out the orders and promptly salutes Rillitan, waiting for something.

“Did I ever tell you how the Fox used to be my ship?” Vadim says walking next to Raisa, in the midst of checking the readouts on his pistols while walking toward the afformentioned ship. “Liked the old name better, if you ask me.”

Asherak looks from person to person as they gear up in armor, and weaponry. She just blinks and kicks off her socks, and wriggles her toes, “Well, atleast im comfortable” she smuirked to Kallyn, “This…this is all strangely relaxing…Like..Like ive been in fights before…….weird isnt it?”

Raisa flashes a quick grin at Vadim as she walks along. “Why is it I’m always with guys who find my … skills hot?” she complains but shakes her head. “Nope. What did it used to be? The Laughing Fox just sounds… well, kinda gay.

Kallyn boards the Fox silently and grabs a set of Flak from Varal. She ignores the dirty look the man would undoubtedly be giving her.

Tiana Ryoleli stands at the base of the ramp leading into the Fox, the girl evidently waiting for the others to board before she gets on as well. A blink and she looks down to the soot covered little man who salutes Rill, “Oh. ‘Ello lil’ feller. You comin’ too?”

“‘Ere /was/ a lot ah gay on t’Fox..” Tia adds to Raisa. Cough.

Akamatsu grabs his equipment and boards the vessel he looks to be psyching himself up once more though he doesn’t have the wild eyes yet. He merely looks rather serious now and is almost eerily silent.

Clankritich mostly just takes up space, his heavy metal limbs barely fitting into the corridor. The pirate has unpacked a heavy plasma rifle, and has his main eyes focused on it as he preforms a thorough pre-flight check. He climbs into the airlock after everybody else has borded, turns himself around, and crouches there like a trap-door spider.

Vadim -laughs- at Tia’s remark. “Oh hoop, you ain’t kidding.” Shaking his head, remembering, he reguards Raisa. “Nyet, that’s the name Ace gave it. When I owned it, I changed it to the Resilient.”

“Kicking ass and chewing bubble gum..” Raicon shakes his head at the video game’s influence on this world, “Somebody is smuggling 21 century culture to this era.” The pilot laughs as he gets in line waiting to board the ship. It was refreshing to not have to sit in quiet room, waiting for a briefing to end before heading out for a mission. His good mood wouldn’t last though as he didn’t know what was on the other end of this ship once they land in the middle of the crisis.

“Get on board, shorty,” Rillitan grunts, “Oi, Akamatsu.” Rillitan calls, “Take this,” he holds out a rather shiny looking Lyiri Songblade, “Look after it, I want it back.”

Kallyn gives Ash’s hand a little squeeze and leans waaaay down to whisper something in her ear.

Raisa laughs with merry delight. “Yes… well, when I was running around with the Watchers, they were one big pile of gay. I think Jeff Ryan would have had a heart attack if he’d known.” She snickers a little and hurries up the ramp.

Akamatsu comes out of his eerie silence for a moment and turns to Rill taking the blade saying “Thanks. I’ll look after it.” He adds in a joking tone “Though I must say pink isn’t my color.” my smirks at this before going back to his silence and tries to find a holster.

Vadim heads into the ship, waiting like everyone else.

“Mrfrmfgh! MFRGGHMFRM!” declares the small fellow proudly, pausing a moment before he reaches to undo the covering over his face. Still can’t see much of his face after that, only a broad blonde beard. But he becomes more intelligable. Somewhat. “Oforicer Hal’gus reportifyin’ fer kerblamificated-tritiongivery dutyin’. Specializationeerin’ in, o’course, boomstickin’, thunkery, sneakshufflin’, boomstickin’…from far ‘ways, turret boomstickin’, dirigible floatin’…an’ pipefittin’,” explains Hal’gus to Tiana, nodding his head and packing in his beard again as he heads off onto the ship.

Tiana seems to find the strange-talking little man vaguely familiar, but just can’t place it at all. Oh well, “A’right ‘en! Glad t’ave ye wit’ us.” She calls after Gus before taking a quick look around to catch an stragglers.

“Seems like the south won in this era.” With all the backwater slurred speech he’s heard in one sitting, Raicon just shakes his head as he boards the ship, ready to lay his cards out for a quick establishment in this new world, or a quick death, either way it will solve his hunger and shelter problems.

The boarding ramp of the Laughing Fox closes shortly after this exchange, with Rillitan moving up as it does so. After a short while, the engines flare up and the ship manoeuvres upwards through the atmospheric shields and into space.

Altor meanwhile maneuvers into take off position and throttles up, flying out of the bay after the Fox, his landing gear retracting as he does and he gets into formation with the larger ship.

The story continues with Comorro Liberation Effort: Part 1!