From OtherSpace: Encyclopedia Galactica
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1.) Connecting

Chances are, you've connected to the MUSH before reaching this page, but just in case...

  • Connect via [1]


  • Connect to 1790 using client software

MUSHClient: SimpleMU: Savitar:


2.) Commands

First things first, you might want to look over the commands! Players will be able to help you on the +help channel, too.

3.) Choosing a Universe

Otherspace requires a submission of your character's biography in order to role-play on the grid, but this is covered in step 5. First, a quick look at what the MUSH offers:

You can role-play in 3 different universes: Hiverspace Variant 1, Normalspace Variant 1, and Pocket Universe Variant 1 (Chiaroscuro). They are separate from one another in that they are more or less different games, yet can involve the same lore in some cases.

Hiverspace Variant 1

Hiverspace Variant 1 is currently the most populated universe to play in, with active players and ungoing plots. This is a completely seperate dimension from where Earth is located (Normalspace).

It's the year 2653. The war with the Zarist Supremacy is at an end.

The Orion Confederacy, an alliance built by refugees from the Orion Arm, helped push back against the warmongering of the Zarists and their Nall cohorts within the alien universe of the Ancient Expanse.

Now, the depleted Clawed Fist Fleet is on the run, the Opodians of Kamsho have made their peace with the rest of the galaxy, the Thul are doing their best not to be noticed in their grimy corner of the cosmos, and the Kamir-descended Aukami in Multvaros wait, practically defenseless, for the repercussions and retaliation to come.

Those from outside of the Ancient Expanse, Outversers, started arriving in 2651 from alien times and places, included periods in Earth history, and they have begun to organize themselves. These Outversers can be from any point in time, from both the Normalspace Variant 1 and the Pocket Universe Variant 1. This is due to the Rift Crisis.

Normalspace Variant 1

Normalspace Variant 1 is the dimension in which Earth is located. The setting is still futuristic, and there is currently a story arc that takes place in the city of San Angeles on Earth in the year 2650. Click here for more information.

Pocket Universe Variant 1

Pocket Universe Variant 1, or Chiaroscuro is a feudal fantasy world filled with magic and the clash of Shadow and Light. It takes place on the planet Palisade.

4.) Choosing a Race

For a quick overview of the available races, click here! As this game is very old, there is a massive amount of lore to it, but luckily, you do not have to know every little thing in order to have fun! Character creation depends on what universe you've chosen to play in:

Hiverspace Variant 1

First and foremost, it's recommended that you create a time-rifted human if you're new to the game, Hiverspace, or just role-playing in general. This way, you can jump right in, because you don't have to learn any of the lore, and you can learn with your character.


Human Outverser (Normalspace Native)

In Hiverspace, any race not native to their universe is called an Outverser. There are no humans native to Hiverspace (as far as we know), so all of the humans that exist in Hiverspace have been rifted over from Normalspace, from any time period. This means you can choose to play any Normalspace human subrace, OR any human you can think up! A Salem witch, a Native American from the Trail of Tears, an Atlantian, a samurai, you name it!

Rifted Human

As stated, this is the easiest route to take for hopping right into the game, in that you can start out with just the knowledge your character has. Anything from Earth's past will do, even neanderthals! Here's some ideas:

  • The Lost City of Atlantis (ca. 9600 BC)
  • The Spanish Inquisition (1478 - 1834)
  • Lost Pirates (1560 - 1720)
  • Salem Witches (1692 - 1693)
  • The American Revolution (1775-1783)
  • Native Americans on the Trail of Tears (1831-1837)
  • Members of the Dalton Outlaw Gang (1890-1892)
  • The San Francisco Earthquake (April 18, 1906)
  • Voyage of the Titanic (April 12-14, 1912)
  • The Hindenburg's final voyage. (May 6, 1937)
  • The Coventry Blitz (November 14, 1940)
  • Cast of the Musical "Harvey" (1944)
  • Lost Flight 19 (December 5, 1945)
  • Roswell Abductees (Ca. 1947
  • Lost Mercury Astronauts (1959)
  • Woodstock (August 15-18, 1969)
  • Disappeared 4th Grade Field Trip (1977)
  • World Trade Center (September 11, 2001)

Subrace Human

For the Normalspace subrace option, you can choose to be a Terran (someone from Earth, or an Earther), or a subrace of human that dwelt on other planets within the Normalspace universe. Again, these subraces have been rifted over as well. Essentially, all humans in Hiverspace are time-rifted (unless they were born there), but it's easier to keep them separate.


Alien Inverser (Hiverspace Native)

Hiverspace aliens are open and encouraged for newbies!

Alien Outverser (Normalspace Native)

Normalspace Variant 1



Pocket Universe Variant 1

Check out the Fastheld Guide for more information on creating a Palisade character.

5.) Writing Your Biography

Biographies are submitted using the +str system (+str/help). Staffers try to respond to biography submissions with 48 hours after they are received. The biography must be at least 250 words for approval and, if it's accepted, your character will become an official part of the ongoing OtherSpace saga. It's highly recommended that you visit the links below, as they'll help greatly with your bio approval.

Hiverspace Variant 1

Human Outverser (Normalspace Native)

As stated, technically, all humans in Hiverspace are rifters, so the following applies to both time-rifted humans (cowboys, neanderthals, etc) and subrace humans.

The most common introduction for rifted humans, both time-rifted and subrace humans, is a simple flash of blue. Poof! They're in Hiverspace, and they can proceed to panic. They can appear ANYWHERE in Hiverspace, and can come along with whatever might be near, including clothing and tools, and an occasional familiar. No extra human characters, though.

If you want to have a little more history for your character, it's been 3 years since the rifts began, so they could have been living in one of the refugee colonies, such as Comorro - a type of living space station, Eiru - an island on Pyracan (open since June 2653), the Olympus - a micro-station and trade vessel, Materi Syna - an Outverser-founded planet (about a year old), or the Svajone Coalition - a neutral space station.

Rifted Human

Basically, for a rifted human, all you would need to know is their own history. You might need to do a little research on the time period in which your human originated, or read up on the notable event they were involved in, but otherwise, that's it!

Subrace Human

These humans have gone through everything that's happened in Normalspace prior to their being rifted to Hiverspace, so they may require a little more reading. Be sure to look over the wiki page for the subrace you choose. If you have questions about specific parts of their history, try asking on the +newbie channel. Remember, these characters, just like the time-rifted characters, have endured the traumatic event of being rifted away from their home, friends, and family.


Alien Inverser (Hiverspace Native)

The natives of Hiverspace are currently dealing with the Zarist Supremacy, which is opposed by the Multiverse Commonwealth, a Hekayti-led organization that claims to be dedicated to fostering independence and defending the powerless against oppressors throughout the multiverse. Planets that have allied themselves with the Commonwealth (essentially, the good guys) include Hekayt Prime, B'hira, Falar, Muscipula, Pyracan, Nemonus, and Yoridin. It is safe to say that the majority of the inhabitants of those planets are sympathetic towards Outversers. Naturally, there can be exceptions. Members of the Zarist Supremacy (or not-so-good guys) include Aukami, Thul, Nall, and Opodians.

Alien Outverser (Normalspace Native)

In writing a bio for an alien outverser, it's the same for subrace humans - existing history in Normalspace, and has been rifted to Hiverspace.

Normalspace Variant 1



6.) Submitting Your Biography


After you've completed the chargen (character creation rooms), you'll want to set a description for yourself and submit a biography. To set a description, type:

@desc me=(text)

The description you set will be shown to anyone who +looks at you. This doesn't need to be approved, but for tips, visit Description Help.


When you're ready to submit your biography, type +str/help for a step-by-step submission, or use the following command to do it all in one step:

+str Biography/(Character Name)=(your biography)

  • %T is for Tab
  • %R is for Return/Linebreak

Create a Wiki Page

Biography Formatting

Once accepted, you may set up a wiki page for your character. First post a +str (+str/help) to get the permissions. To create a character page, type +finger, in-game, and click on the link at the very bottom. Then use the biography template linked above to set up your basic stats, and from there you can elaborate on whatever you see fit. If you'd like some information to remain not known by anyone in-character, be sure to say so above the article.

Setting up your +sheet

Most new characters receive about 200 Saga Points to spend on skills after approval.

This may not be enough to get all that you think your character ought to have right off the bat, but it should provide a good start. Don't worry: If you're active, you'll have opportunities to earn plenty of points down the road.

Type +sinfo for the main menu of the skill system. Type +skills to see the various categories. Type +skills X where X is the chosen category to see the list of skills under that category. Type +sinfo X where X is the chosen skill to see information about what a skill does, what prerequisites it might have, and how much it will cost to raise it.

If you type +sheet you'll see your basic attribute and skill setup, along with any Gifts, Faults, or Quirks that are native to the race you're playing. Want to spend some SP improving skills? Use the +raise X to Y command, where X is the attribute name and Y is the level.

A more detailed skill guide can be found here.