Experiment with a new direction in your character’s description as they dress up for a zero-g cocktail party. Post your “before” and “after” as a comment to this post. Good luck!

By Brody

1 thought on “Character Fodder No. 2: Extreme Makeover Edition”
  1. Below my attempt to change Xanya’s description. Not sure if the new outfit look works in a Zero-G cocktail party though. Feel free to comment.

    A light tanned human woman with violet eyes and long pure white hair, braided in a thick French braid, almost hitting her lower back. She stands at around 6’2″ (190 cm) tall and weighs about 176.3 lbs (80 kg). Despite her athletic build, her figure still presents an hourglass shape and prominent chest. She also has a cybernetic right arm, with black cybernetic parts and white metal cover plates shaped to look like her old arm.

    Currently she is wearing a white colored suit style jacket and pants each made to be worn by women. Underneath her pants she is wearing black high heel shoes. Underneath her jacket she is wearing a purple and black corset.

    Image link: http://www.jointhesaga.com/oswiki/images/9/92/Xanya.jpg

    A light tanned human woman with violet eyes and long pure white hair, braided in Knot at the back of her head, two strand of hair frame the left and right of her face. She stands at around 6’2″ (190 cm) tall and weighs about 176.3 lbs (80 kg). Despite her athletic build, her figure still presents an hourglass shape and prominent chest. She also has a cybernetic right arm which is covered by synthetic skin, to help her hide the cybernetics of the arm.

    Currently she is wearing a Long black leather jacket with metal shoulder pads and several belts to close the jacket. Underneath this she is wearing a black leather dress with a quarter long skirt. On her feet she is wearing black shoes with high heels.

    Image link 1: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8rh2kayDA1qzhkcp.png
    Image link 2: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3pHHuHZ59XU/UAnE4gdj1EI/AAAAAAAAS3c/WgU67Afr_kA/s1600/cosplay_CrystalGraziano_LadySephiroth-FF7_02.jpg

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