A robot made of Lego bricks and a Samsung Galaxy smartphone can solve a Rubik’s cube in a little over three seconds.

That’s impressive.

But it can’t do what OtherSpace players can.

Although it might be able to rapidly calculate probable patterns and accurately shift the individual colored blocks of a cube into their uniform state, the machine can’t create a character, develop a back story and a narrative voice, or produce responsive dialogue based on input from other characters involved in the scene.

It can’t do much at all without a pre-programmed script.

Granted, our storytellers need more than three seconds – sometimes more than three minutes – to craft their poses and counter-poses.

But the dynamic evolution of a scene as it progresses is often worth the wait.

By Brody

1 thought on “OtherSpace players: Better than a ‘bot!”
  1. Was about to say I’d seen that video awhile back. But no, was a different video. Possibly the same bot, though. Either way, a darned impressive trick. (Although what I’d really like to see is a rapid solving of Alexander’s Star. the cube has nothing on the evil that is that star)

    Trickery aside though, I quite agree. When I can find the time, engaging in the much slower collaborative storytelling we have here is very satisfying. (and hey, maybe one of these days I’ll get Kilroy on grid long enough to make him more than the half baked concept that he largely is.)

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