1. Insecurity: Someone struggling with self-doubt and a lack of confidence can create interesting opportunities for growth and development.
  2. Impatience: Someone easily frustrated and lacks patience can be a liability in certain situations and create obstacles for themselves and their party.
  3. Stubbornness: Someone unwilling to change their mind or consider new ideas can create tension and conflict in group settings.
  4. Naivete: Someone overly trusting and innocent can be taken advantage of by others and can make costly mistakes.
  5. Prejudice: Someone with biases against certain groups or individuals can create interesting dynamics within a group and lead to ethical dilemmas. (NOTE: Use this with caution and be prepared for negative in-character consequences.)
  6. Greed: Someone driven by a desire for wealth or power can create opportunities for adventure and conflict.
  7. Cowardice: Someone afraid to take risks or confront danger can be a liability in certain situations and create challenges for themselves and their party.
  8. Recklessness: Someone who acts impulsively and without considering the consequences can create chaos and danger for themselves and others.
  9. Arrogance: Someone overconfident in their abilities and underestimates their opponents can create opportunities for character growth and development.
  10. Codependency: A character who is overly dependent on others for emotional support and decision-making can create interesting dynamics within a group and lead to moments of vulnerability and growth.

By Brody

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